Friday, September 18, 2015

Carly Fiorina rips Planned Parenthood

How does this woman stand there and tell such outright lies? There is nothing like that in any of those lying pieced together tapes. No one is harvesting baby brains. There are no pics of fetus's. WTF? Does she think the world just didn't see the tapes so, hey, they'll believe anything she says? She's acting like we're all a bunch of morons. And she's a fucking liar. No, I wouldn't vote for her lying ass in a million years. The character of our nation is only fucked because of people like HER. Get off my planet, asshole.


Anonymous said...

I've seen the horrendous pics. It's a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

I am conservative. But she really does NOT appeal to me at all. She is a "brittle" woman. Doesn't draw me in, at all. Does her face have emotion? No. I don't like her. Period.

Dirty Disher said...

You haven't seen shit from planned parenthood. Shut up.

She is a liar.

Anonymous said...

They do sell fetal tissue. I am bothered by the artificial means, most of them, for getting pregnant or carrying a baby. I am plain uncomfortable with them. It's a feeling and not a reasoned rational response. Visual. As for what to do with fetuses, I am very uncomfortable with it. Anything past the cell stage when you could use tissue in pursuit of better health. Late term, real uncomfortable. Am I pro abortion? Yes. It's my body and I'll do what I want with it. Stay out of my life. I walked people through protest lines some years ago. Does PP need federal funding now? No. So stop it and stop talking about it. I'm sick to death of hearing about it. There are plenty of other no to low cost places to go for reproductive issues and health for women. So let them use funding everybody else uses. But anything dealing with recognizable fetal tissue or with dead bodies donated to science inspires lack of feeling very fast in those dealing with those tissues or bodies. I am not comfortable at all with them going to UCLA and sawing off a couple hands and feet and leaving the rest behind. I don't think that's what the generous donor had in mind. The whole body business creeps me out. Who is the sect in India who leaves bodies in a special place for crows to eat? Whatever.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I adore you, but, PP doesn't sell fetal tissue. Late terms aren't a thing. Who do you know who'd had a late term? I don't know anyone. And we do need then. We need all the low cost clincs we can get, we need more federal funding of ALL of them that comply with the law. The repubs are spinning lies left and right. You aren't the only smart person who doesn't have time to look all their shit up, plus you have a huge heart. Fetal tissue is used in vaccines as well as research. We've all probably had some of it, if we know it or now. Or out children. As long as it's obtained legally, I have no problem with it.

Dirty Disher said...

ps, they might as well use what's left of me any way they want. I doubt anyone would want any of this. Heh heh. Owch. This morning is rough. I guess I don't have much of a life, I am constanly looking up this shit in the news. But, this whole debate hinges on the right wings insistence that THEIR tax dollars not support abortion. The thing is, it doesn't. They know abortion is not federally funded, so now their making outrageous lie vids and just flat out lying to the nation, like Carly did. They'll do anything to stop legal abortions.

Dirty Disher said...

BY 'need them' I meant the clinics, not late abortions. That's gross. Too early here.