Since that pic there I haven't bothered to take any more weird pics around here, because I've been busy as hell just trying to live. I won't go into all of it right now, but, you guys know most of it anyhow. It's been a shit week. I am feeling better mentally because someone I know wants the chickens and she will treat them right. Truthfully, even though I do love my chicks, it's been fucked up trying to do farm type chores on a crutch. I've been worried about doing those chores in three feet of snow and ice. It wouldn't have been pretty. So, I'm fine with it. You know who I was most worried about. But, it's okay. The city officials have accepted that Tooney has been released. Yay! He hasn't been caged for ages, so it's true. We won't talk any more about him for now. Someone here has it out for me and we all know it. I've been getting a lot of support from townspeople on face book, it surprised me. This town isn't good to a lot of people, I guess. Anyone different, for sure. But, that's not what this post is about.
This post is about the ramping up of the paranormal crap around here lately. I think I have riled some spirits. Some of them know I'm leaving. Some of them know I am not reading cards anymore. Some of them..I can't even figure out. It's all blowing up and I want to move. Bad. We have always heard and occasionally seen strange things here, but, lately, it's worse than a goddamned movie. It's flat out blatant. Yesterday, a big heavy crock I keep in the shower was splashing by itself. I went in and looked but all the animals were accounted for and definitely not in the bathroom. I stared at that damn crock and it slid by itself, fast, all the way across the shower floor. No one had been in the shower and it wasn't wet. It was so violent, half the water splashed out! I called Lis in and said, look at this shit. She was looking with me, and I'll be fucked if it didn't take off in the other direction, banging and splashing. Nothing was there! The kid turned to me and said, 'See? I told you.' Then she went back to the sofa and her phone like it was no big deal. She's been telling me stuff like this is happening, and I DO believe her, but, I always try and explain it so she won't be scared. I couldn't explain that. Blatant. I am telling you.
She won't sleep upstairs anymore. She says something touches her. I went up there, and, well, I felt something too. Now it's down here. It pokes me in the leg or thigh. It feels like a hand. I happens all the time when I least expect it. Our hair gets touched too. You can actually see your hair being moved. It's like something is acting up as much as it can before we get out of here. I think that's why I am liking all the wildlife so much. Bangs on the house in the middle of the night? I say, go back to sleep, it's just Coons. But, I know it isn't Coons. Sometimes, when the kid sleeps through it, I take a flashlight and go looking. Nothing. It is not animals and it is loud. Whisperings, someone calling our names, soft laughter..bullshit like that. We're forever asking each other "what do you want?" Because we hear each other call. Nope, not us. A mimic. It's playing with us and it won't identify itself. Lis says it isn't human and never was, she calls it a fake person. I have to agree. It's not your normal run of them mill spirit. I dropped my keys on the floor today and was trying to maneuver my crutch to bend down, I had my eye right on them. Lis yells, 'smooth move, grandma' and I looked at her for just a second to laugh, when I looked back down, guess what? Yeah, keys gone. I was cussing and searching. I walked across the room to sit down and there they were, right on my desk. HOW is that possible? It's getting annoying and old and I am sick of it. There is so much loud noise coming from the loft every night we have to throw a fit before it quiets enough to sleep. It sounds like heavy furniture being tossed around. It's ridic. I am not amused.
To add to my usual insomnia, whenever I do manage to sleep I have terrible nightmares. Even in the day time. This has been going on for a month. I haven't said anything to Lissa. But, they're bad. I'm a person who rarely dreams, now I dream terrible, terrifying things every goddamn time I close my eyes. It's just stressful and makes you so tired. I don't find it interesting. It pisses me off and I want out of here. No decent spirit would visit me here now, they'd be run off by whatever this fucking jerk thing is. It needs to shut up and keep it's hands to itself. Lis is not here right now, but, she'll be back soon. It's a school night. I told her she won't get two water main breaks in one week. She was bummed. LOL. But, I am going to go do a cleansing right now. It won't make it go away, but, it might quiet it down. I hope to hell I leave this thing behind. I'm spiritual and not afraid of much, but, this has been like living a horror movie and it aint cool. Your home, no matter how much you hate it, should be a safe spot. I guess, in my mind, my home is over there down and across the road. In the house the town calls 'the haunted house'. They have no idea where the real haunts are.
ps..I just logged back in, because I no sooner finished this than the goddamned toilet flushed by itself. And the water in the sink turned on. There is nothing worse than a water wasting demon. I am to the point, where I think it has been sent here by someone.
That's awful, Pat. I don't know of anyone else who could stand that stuff for one minute. I am so sorry to hear what you are having to live with. That move is not going to happen a moment too soon.
Are there ways of keeping whatever that is, where it is now? I hope there are, and I also hope there is a way to make it boomerang back on the hateful bitch who egged it on. May she suffer deeply and long.
We have certain rituals, yes. I will be doing them, and leaving my brooms. The Troll is afraid of magik and spirits, she's just mentally ill. I think it's closer to home. And yeah, it hasn't been pleasant, but, we are used to a certain amount. This is absurd. Oh, there goes the toilet again and the door was slammed shut. It's hateful.
And what did Lis say, "I told you so"! She didn't go running and screaming like I would have done. Just so matter of fact about the whole thing.
Now you have to tell about who haunts the new house. I think you mentioned it a while back but I forgot.
By the way, I love the new header. The other one was an amazing picture, but I love this one.
Like I said yesterday, evil is afoot. I know it.
I didn't know the new house is occupied as well. I sure hope it leaves or is benign.
I believe the bad stuff in the new house was actually with the person who was in there. I sent them on their way, but, someone keeps taking down my symbols and spell bag, ect. It won't matter. His demonic shit goes with him. Not me.
Here, I had to post this twice. The computer keeps shutting itself down. The last two times, I have heard it click. Something is just very wrong here.
Great, another shut down. This is weird. The toilet just flushed itself again too.
Did I tell you guys that I came across a photo of the old couple who died there? It was in my stuff. My mouth just dropped open when I found it. I do not remember getting it anywhere. They are related though, so it might have just been in family stuff I have. I was amazed and plan to frame it and give it a place there, along with something religious. I think if I do that, I won't have any trouble with them. Nice old couple.
I try so hard to explain some things here scientifically to Lis, like a true skeptic. But, what do I say when shit moves right in front of us.
That is nuts. I never knew things like that could really happen. I admire you and Lis. I know you don't have a choice but I'd be running around screaming like a crazy person. I hope this spirit can't come with you. And I hope you get to move SOON!! Why aren't you reading cards anymore?
I'm a psychic, so crazy or real or not..I'm used to spirits. It's part of my life and I can't change that. But, this is different. Way different.
I stopped reading cards professionally because the ride up there was impossible some days. Some days, I can't just get up and go. I am seriously injured in the spine. I have good days, but, I never know when it will act up. Yesterday was so bad I could hardly get in my van. I'm cripped today too, but, yesterday, the pain was incredible. Yelping pain whenever I moved wrong. So, of course yesterday was when I was fucked with the most. Right? Naaa, I'm not running. And Lis, well, she's a lot like me. She has this psychic thing too, but, in diff ways. We're dealing. You can't change it or turn it off, but, you can minimalize it. Most days.
Ugh. I'm sorry you're in so much pain. You rarely complain and just seem so strong and invincible.
Bad spirits messing with you aside, I just picture the scene in Ghost with Whoopi Goldberg and all the spirits impatient to talk to her and their loved ones and finally she yells at all of them to leave. Must be maddening sometimes.
Once in awhile. But, mostly all good. I don't tune into it constantly. Mostly it's periphial, until someone needs it. But, this thing..ugg.
I would've crapped myself. I would be so scared. I'm sorry that it is so annoying, and you can't sleep because of it. I would throw a fit too, so I don't blame ya. Just having something annoy you like everyday? Good lord, it would drive me nuts. I applaud you for dealing with that stuff.
My cleansing has quieted it. But, it's still lurking. Waiting for it's big moment, I think. It's just annoying. I don't believe it has any power to hurt us. It seems to be something that's been 'thrown' here by an amature.
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