Sunday, September 20, 2015

Chickey Poos

There are the Chickens in their new country home. Look at all that land! Awww, they look so happy. The people they went to are so nice and they love animals. I know she will really enjoy these girls and Jerry Lee too. And the fresh eggs. They threw up some temporary fencing until they get used to the place, then they will be free as, well, birds! They also have nice Winter quarters there. As much as I loved my chicks, I must admit, sleeping in this morning was heavenly. I was having such a hard time taking care of them on crutches and I was freaked out a bit thinking of going down those back steps at the new house in ice and snow every morning at 6 am. I had a an awesome Summer with my Chicken friends, but, I really am happy it turned out this way. I also learned a shit load about Chickens that I had never known. Chickens are damn interesting and good friends who make you laugh, but, they are a lot of work. I couldn't be happier about how things turned out. I'll get regular updates on FB too. Aww, it's all good. Plus the girls (hens) get to have baby chicks next year, if they want to get broody. More Chickens will be welcome out there.


Jane said...

I hope the chickies have a good time at their new home. Are there other chicks there? I still wish Tooney could stay nearby.

iambriezy said...

Awww....that's awesome! I love happy endings.

Unknown said...

yay! Glad they are settled in their new home.

Anonymous said...

It sounds ideal. I was a little worried about you going out there in the winter, to care for them. It would have been terrible in snow and ice with crutches.
The past few years it has gotten terribly cold (for here) and it has been tricky keeping the chickies in thawed water, especially when I am working.
I have a big stock tank sitting in the back yard, and I need to scrub it out again. The past few years I have allowed that to collect rain water, and when I have a hard time getting the big waterer filled in the kitchen, I just thaw it out with hot water, then fill it from the stock tank. When it has formed ice, I have been able to break through to fill waterers.
It's great that they have nice winter quarters.
It's wonderful that you have someone who will take great care of them. You will be a lot more comfortable settling into your new home if you don't have caring for them constantly in the back of your mind.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, don't worry about 'he who shall not be named', that story will be updated on my birthday, November. I promise, it will be joyous.

Thanks, Briezy. I'm happy for them.

Christina, sounds like a great set up. I was looking at the electric water thawers for mine, but, I doubt they'd be effective in Iowa. Not the chick sized ones. It get to be -30 here sometimes, or colder. Iowa is one rough bitch.

Kitty said...

This makes me happy. Will you visit them sometimes? Because that would be cool.

Dirty Disher said...

I might, I like the chick that took them. I might ask her out to lunch sometime. She's rough and funny, a redneck country gal.

Dirty Disher said...

They got new nesting boxes already!