Friday, September 18, 2015

Geez, can I get a break?

I am so pissed. I just found out last night that Alissa's teacher is very religious, which is no skin off my nose, but, this teacher has been incorporating her religion in regular teaching sessions. Lis says it will go like this..teacher will say, "God made all of the world and he also made...(points to map) Italy! Here it is." Then they learn geography or whatever. But, the kid told me she does this stuff every day! I was so upset. The kid is a bit upset, she says she doesn't know what to do or say when this stuff come up in class. I told her it should never come up in class! I also told her she can speak her mind concerning religious statements in school. I also told her to express her opinion in a calm and rational manner. But, dammit!

I want to storm the school, but, I'm already in enough trouble in this town. WTF am I supposed to do? I asked Lis several times if she's sure about this and she is adamant. I am so tired of fighting this shit. I am just brain worn out. Small Midwestern towns are not quaint, they are rigid, hypocritical messes.


Anonymous said...

You know I am a Christian, a practicing Catholic, but this is wrong. Completely against the law. Separation of church and state. It should protect us all.

Dirty Disher said...

YOU, my friend, are the good kind. The other kind are just...uggg.

Erin said...

Crazy. That's just crazy. I can't believe she can get away with something like that! And it's just stupid sounding. Seriously. Lis should just sit back and laugh. I think that's all you can do. And pity the poor people that act like that.

Dirty Disher said...

True enough, but, I'm still upset. SHE'd be upset if I taught her kids spells.

Erin said...

Completely. Because she's a small-minded ignorant bigot. And what I really don't get about these people is that Jesus said you should love and accept everyone. And I've found the more religious people are, the less accepting they are. I'm not religious but I remember learning 2 things in Sunday school as a child and I try to live by these rules every day.

1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

2. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Is her name Kim Davis?

Anonymous said...

She gets away with it because a majority of the kids are too stupid to know that it's wrong. Good for Lis to not only recognize that it's crap but for saying something.

First, write a letter to the principal outlining your concerns and offering to set-up a meeting with him/her to discuss at their convenience. Save a copy for yourself of course. If it self-corrects then fine. No further action. If it does not self correct and the teacher continues, take it to the school board president. If it still goes on after that contact the media.

Good luck with this. It's wrong.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Going up the chain is the way to go. Gives you extra ammo when you go to the media, as well. "Well, I tried to talk to the teacher, then the principal, then the school board, etc. but no-one took this seriously."

Dirty Disher said...

You guys DO understand that I am on the town shit list right now????

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Lis can take care of this herself. Frankly it would bother me. And as a graduate of 12 years of mostly Catholic boarding schools, I never heard this kind of stuff even once. They didn't link God into creating anything in particular. Just God created. Period. If I was in class with Lis, I'd object. It's stupid IMO.

I was going to be a docent at the LA Zoo at one time and went to a lot of classes for docents. They kept talking about evolution as in giraffes grew long necks so they could survive by eating the leaves when the grassland was sparse. No I kept saying. Evolution just happens. If you happen to have a longer neck at times when it's beneficial, then those with the longest necks are likely to survive and produce more long necked types. You don't just decide, hey I think I'll grow a long neck and grow one. OMJG Big fight. Zoo director agreed with me but it didn't stop the docent program from the wrong info to give out.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry. Sometimes I lose track of the fact that many in your town are very judgmental and intolerant of any but their own screwed up views. Not a Christian way to behave, but I was watching an episode of Judge Judy (don't judge) a day or two ago, and there was a case that involved someone who I immediately thought of as similar to your town folk. She was yelling occasionally about what a slut the other one was (she was the defendant, and was an asshole ) (prissy older lady with severe looking glasses and an old fashioned hair style ). At the end she bared her teeth and yelled shrilly that she was "doing God's work! ".
I thought, okay, this is a little window on Pat's world. (Not the slut part, I hope you know I would never even think that way ). I am just talking about the self-righteousness. It is not the way any Christian is to behave. None of the people who I go to church with during the week are like this. I truly don't understand why people are so judgmental. The Bible says "judge not lest ye be judged ".

Dirty Disher said...

OMG Border, you'd think if they were lecturing about it they'd have more info. People boggle my mind.

Christina, most of my friends ARE Christians. The good kind. Not like my goofy family. None of them yell about hell to me or want me to change. I don't want them to change either.

Dirty Disher said...

ps..I used to be slutty and proud! HA.