I despise that goddamn Face Book. I've found out the true nature of people I know casually there and I'm horrified. I wish I had the nut sack to post that shirt and tell them I'm sad that I can't get pregnant and have an abortion every month now. I'd brag about selling baby brains to buy my crack and smack. I'd brag about drinking and slutting, but, I'd say I've gone full on lesbian and love licking pussy and only fuck men to give them herpes. I'd end it with a prayer to Satan.
I'd hope the sanctimonious mother fuckers get such a knot in their pannies that it creeps up their assholes and kills them with backed up bull shit.
You sound a mite ticked off.
I am. Tired to death of homophobes, Caitlyn jokes, the stupid confederate flag, racists, bigots, Christian preachers and misogynists. AND one of my son's friends just hit on me. Are you kidding me dude? Ukkk.
LOL - I love that shirt! I am sorry for being all of the above comment!
(tongue in cheek)
Ehh, fuck em. I just hate knowing people are so hateful. I don't understand.
The reason why I don't do face book is because of the daily prayer that always is there and people telling how wonderful their lives are. Some of know the truth---ain't so wonderful. Why do people think they can tell all this shit and no one knows about it.
I will admit I do check in occasionally to see what my son is really up to. What he won't tell me, he tells everyone else. Stupid, huh!
I used to like you, but...You have gone insane. I am F'g done here. With you and your lunacy. Go eat w/e body part you want and enjoy! Kill babies all you want. Enjoy that! You are nuts, woman. AND if you don't have the balls to post that on FB, you are a Pussy. & hypocrite. Who cares? Look what you just posted here. Vile, evil projectiles! So, post that shit. In fact, Post this exact post, word for word on FB. IF you have any balls. I cannot believe the evil that comes from your mind. Who even thinks like that?
This site is just a downer and depressing as hell. I don't need it. & you don't need me, nor do you know me. My brand new grandson is what life is all about. Not killing him before he had a chance! Just think, you wouldn't have Lissa had her mother chose abortion. But you are cool with that.
Your blog, do what you want, of course. But your true self just shone through.
Calm down, Rox.
Just catching up with my beloved DD and read this shit- I hope by now you choked to death on the dick you were eating.
Why the fuk would you visit a blog that makes you angry or hateful is beyond me! I sit here eating my fetus jerky and ponder the lives of idiots like you, anon.
I've missed ya pat! I love spending a Saturday catching up u you.
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