Saturday, September 12, 2015

One weird egg and the great hunters

One of the Chickens laid an egg with no shell. Weird. I think they're just practicing and haven't gotten this egg laying thing down yet. It was curious. Inside, it was just a normal egg.

This goes on every morning. No one wins. I have to point out..that is one BIG ASS Rooster. He's almost Goose size. He tries to kick MY ass every morning.

Luci supervised Tooney's dirt digging. Luci supervises everything here. I took Luci to the vet yesterday and she informed me that Luci is actually a Lucifur. Yep. I have two tomcats. Sigh. One with small balls and one with no balls. Still tomcats. Still buttholes.

The three great hunters together.  All boys! This would be cute if they'd stop making me try and round them all up. Why don't any of my animals come when I call?? I suck at animal training. (LOL @ Coon hauling ass.)

Tree climbin' assholes, right out in the street, over the mail box. Why? We have, like, acres of yard. Why can't they stay in it?? They love seeing me upset, I think. Technically, they are still on this property. But, goddamn it. Time to go in, boys.

I HATE weekends. On weekends all the asshole neighbors around here let their dogs run. I can't let Toon or Luci or even the Chickens out in the yard by themselves. Dogs are always roaming our yard on stupid weekends. BTW, Tooney was out most of the night, but, he came home for breakfast and crawled into his cage to sleep. I'm keeping a close eye on him until Monday when the douchebags go back to work. It's safer for him when they aren't around. He has to do this 'goin' wild' thing gradually, because he's just not smart enough yet to be all on his own.

All of them got flea treatments yesterday. I'm so glad, because they all get in MY bed.


Jane said...

All I remember about having chickens when I was very young was that daddy gave them some kind of crushed shells. I think like clam shells. He said it was for their craw. I don't even know what a craw is but I believe it has something to do with digestion. Along that line of thought, is there something they can be given to help harden the egg shell? Seems like it would be easier on the hen to lay a soft shell egg. That would be my preference. Those hard shells have to hurt.

Dirty Disher said...

They get gravel for digestion. They might need shells to make eggs, but, that was a begginers fluke I think. I'm getting nice eggs every day now. I give them to mom, I hardly use a dozen eggs a year. My brown hen lays good. My other hen has laid poorly since that dog got her. She's healing though. Fuck that mean dog.

Anonymous said...

My comments to this post have been eaten twice by google or blogger.
Not that any of it was profound.

Unknown said...

The eggs with a thin shell like that can be a fluke or it could mean that they need more calcium. I keep crushed oyster shell in a feeder and the chickens eat it when they need it. I call them fart eggs....hahaha...they came out before they were ready.

Dirty Disher said...

lol okay. I only got one. Brown hen lays every day now. I'll get them some shell next time I get feed.

Dirty Disher said...

Sorry Christina. Blogger is a whore.

Unknown said...

Your life at the moment sounds positively idyllic!