The Miss America shoes that represent their states are so bad, I don't even have words.
HERE are some more. But, Miss Idaho is one of the worst. Who the fuck comes up with this ugly ass shit? They didn't have to be so literal. It might have been cute to have a stylish heel and cover it in printed burlap that said, Idaho Potato on it. But, no, this is what the designer came up with. A literal, clunky, sparkly, fucking tater stuck on the top of a heel. A first grader could have done a better job. Who ever came up with that needs to be killed. Seriously.
This person didn't want to look up Idaho and frankly I don't blame them.
I'm so glad I don't have to wear this. And you know she must be embarrassed. I'd like to see the rest but they didn't have them all. Think I'll try to find them.
I found them but the shoes were on the contestant as they road on a convertible in a parade. I would rather have just seen a close up of the shoe. And Miss Idaho was wearing a potato sack. I couldn't understand a lot of them. Miss Texas had a cool pair of boots---would have worked for an outdoor Texas wedding.
Were they made of stuffed stockings? I've seen those before. Somewhere. A craft booth? Too big. Silly and cartoonish. Looks like a giant turd on her shoe. A stupid man made them. Guaranteed.
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