Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The Post Modern Prometheus was the BEST X File episode ever. I cried when they all danced at the end. I actually cried. I still get a tear every time I hear the song (which I just learned on the guitar). The X Files is returning. I'm excited, but, I hope the writers can bring this kind of episode once in awhile. It was probably my favorite moment in television. Also, Scully should go back to short red hair, that blond she has now does nothing for her. Is anyone else excited?? Does anyone else remember and love this episode?

I had a rough morning. Tooney was barreling across the yard and I went to stop him and he accidentally hit me full force. I was knocked clear off my feet, but, my fall was broken by a low hanging Willow branch. It still fucked me up. I forgot how heavy Tooney is now. He's much bigger and stronger than he looks in photos. Anyway, he's back in the house now, safe. He ran last night by himself again, but, came home before dawn. The Rooster, Jerry Lee took the gas man. Bad Rooster! I had to go out and apologize and hope it wouldn't be a scene. I got lucky, the gas man has Chickens and he wasn't mad. Jerry Lee is a menace because he's super size. He'll take anyone who comes in the yard now. I think I need to sit in here and mellow out. Maybe go watch some old X Files, if I can find some. My back hurts. Damn Tooney. Aww. He felt bad though.


Anonymous said...

I loved that episode,too. The big dude was played by a guy who later was supposed to be Mulder's replacement, or new partner or something. Big controversy at the time. No-one liked him with out the make up.
That scene was wonderful, and I remember it just gave me a little chill. I suddenly realized I must be a 'shipper.
"Small potatoes" was another one I loved, and anything with the background mytharc about the black oil (I momentarily think about it whenever I buy black oil sunflower seeds for the girls). I'm still grossed out by "Home", too. The Peacock family, I think.
Yikes. That must have been one heck of a hit. As I get older, if I slip a little, or get tripped by a dog toy, etc., even if I catch myself, I can feel the pull in a lot of areas. Shoulders, back, etc. all start complaining. I hope you are not seriously hurt.
Maybe you need a sign that says something like "Residence protected by attack rooster" as a warning to any repair folks or other unsuspecting types.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, man, he was just hauling ass full force and I wasn't thinking. He hit me so hard!

Angie said...

Sorry to hear about your collision...animals big and small, can really mess you up unintentionally.

So far, my plan to show up on Saturday is still on. Will I need to bring a bribe for Jerry Lee to let me in the yard? What does one bribe a rooster with?

Dirty Disher said...

A hen? Call me first.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the gas company will let you read your own, as long as the monthly readings are consistent with your history. Maybe you could write it down before he comes and leave it out by the road for him. I know - cuz you don't have enough to do as it is.

sandy said...

ouch that had to have hurt BAD... about the town up above in the other post - your place looks so nice back there - hard to believe they let all that other stuff go on but will come after you.