The city went next door today and told the old ladies they can't have chickens. Now, first, they don't have chickens, I do. The city (ha ha calling this a city) feller didn't even bother to knock on my door. So, officially, I have not been told. But, my crazy aunt Bitch Face, who is totally senile, yelled obscenities at him and he left. So, I have no idea what's going to happen now. I just wait, I guess.
But, I've shown you Guntown. It's fine to ride noisy four wheelers all day, fine to have big dogs you don't take care of and let run, even vicious ones, fine to build junk fires bigger than a house that actually fall into the street, fine to have a field of head high weeds, fine to drag race, fine to have no muffler, fine to make meth. But, chickens? Oh, hell no.
They're gunnin' for me. I don't belong to any of their churches and never will. I got word from an inside source that they're comin' for the Raccoon on Friday. They don't care about no legal wildlife rescue bullshit, you can't have a Coon in town. What Raccoon? Pick a Raccoon, motherfuckers, I feed more than 20 of them out in the yard. Which one did YOU want??
Picture of my yard. Yeah, that's just awful, isn't it? WTF? WTF diff would it make if I helped wildlife in town when their ALL over this town anyhow? And WTF are they selling chickens in town for if you can't have chickens? I bought the chickens at a store IN this fucking town. What do you think of all this?
OK now you've got my problem with the very idea of "govment" Blast them all to hell. Freedom, ain't it grand. Rights. Love it. Not free to live without being annoyed to death by piddly rules.
The government has ALWAYS been my problem. They may make me get rid of the chickens, I dunno. But, Tooney is a free agent. This should be fun.
In some towns you can have chickens but not roosters---because the roosters wake people up too early. Ask for a copy of the law in writing.
As for Tooney, I would think that you are covered if you have the paper work to be a rehabber. But I guess they can still put you through a lot of aggravation. Don't y'all have any crime around there they could be fighting?
Thank you, Jane. I think I will, but, they said.
I am not covered. Wildlife rehab is not allowed in town. Who knew that? But, Tooney is a free agent. Can they pick him out of a line up?
We have SO much crime that the cops hate coming down here.
Living in a small town is a strange experience as you're well aware. I moved to BF nowhere (population 3,000 - including the farm animals) almost two years ago. I live "in town" which is a joke in itself since "town" consists of a McDonald's, Subway attached to the Mobile station and Dollar Tree. But NEVER have I had such nosy people trying to get into my business. I had a privacy fence installed this past spring. City came out based on an "anonymous" call that the fence was too tall (had all the proper forms filed at city hall). Sure enough, city official (aka, inbred moron) is out there with his handy dandy tape measure telling me they got an "anonymous" call while he's pointing at my neighbors house. People in this town need to get a hobby that does not include keeping tabs on what I'm doing. I guarantee I'm not that interesting. But I do follow all the stupid rules here like having my dog licensed (NEVER did that in California) and going back to city hall to get a permit, yes...a permit, to have a yard sale this summer. No permit needed for the 6" fence but necessary for a yard sale. Permit was free, they just want to be in your business and remind you that you can't sell junk in your yard more than twice a year. I follow all the idiot rules just so I don't give them any reason to show up on my doorstep.
I hope you get to keep your hens but they are probably banned from inside city limits. They are here. Sometimes I want to move back to the city just to be left in peace (ironic really). But for now I'll keep waving at my neighbors whom I call the Kravits' since they know every move I make here.
TJH in Bad Axe - it's a real place (google it).
The chickens may have found a nice home already. I have been having an awful time taking care of them lately and worried about the move and hard Iowa Winter anyhow. It's alright, really. I am just pissed about how this city allows this Guntown end of town to be totally lawless and then fucks with me over chickens. But, they won't have Tooney. No way. He is not a prisoner in a cage. He's just a Raccoon and we have dozens of them. I posted it on FB using a net image. I hope they get the message. I would never have put his pic on FB when he was small for this exact reason. Now, is fine though, like too late city fuckers, he's grown. And gone for all they know. I hate them so much.
It is disgusting that someone alerted the "authorities" that you have chickens. I wonder who complained? Someone must have complained for them to take action.
Is it really against city code? I don't know how your city handles it, but where I live, all the codes, etc. are on line, and I check them periodically. Currently there is absolutely nothing that mentions chickens in the city codes. I spoke to code enforcement prior to getting my chickens and they told me that typically the only issue that they have is chickens crossing the roads and stopping traffic. Sometimes people get upset about that, and they talk to the owners, but I suppose bigger issues come up from time to time. Currently, my new neighbor has three or four and she believes that one of them is a roo. She got her birds at the feed store, and the little guy had a pretty good tuck game going on and flew under the sorting radar, I guess.
They would be the lowest of the low if they tried to take your little Tooney. How can they even contemplate that? From everything you have said, there are tons of coons, and bobcats around in the area. Apparently it is okay with them that innocent little kitties get used for dog fighting practice, but heaven forbid a baby coon gets saved from certain death. At least someone tipped you off, so you have a chance to decide what to do.
I was wondering how things would go with the birds this winter. Your cold is so brutal, though most often birds can weather a lot. Two years ago we had such terrible ice and snow, continuously, that I was wrapping the ark with the ducks in it, every day and night. I would unwrap it to feed and make sure their water was not frozen, but they did just fine.
It would probably be a lot easier on you if they were not with you after the move. Caring for them now is one thing, but in the ice and wet and cold is another entirely.
I am bummed that they are meddling in your business. You should turn in a bunch of complaints of all sorts, citing the ordinances or codes. Keep those nosey bastards busy.
For what it's worth, I think your yard is very cute. I love all the plants on top of the coop. Adorable, really. Mine looks horrible. It totally sucks, but I am not changing anything until I have a divorce decree in my hand, and the financing worked out. I don't want there to be any remote chance of getting a different appraisal on the house. I am already paying a mint.
Just hide tTooney and move the chickens for now . They will forget by the time you move to the new house.
Such bullshit. I hate nosy people. I love how you describe the coon as a free agent though. I hope they pick up the wrong one! The one who ISN'T used to people. LMAO!
This is all just bull. Just when you find joy in life it comes around and bites you in the ass.
I'm sorry you have to deal with stupid stuff like this.
I do hope your sweet chickens find a new home before winter. But seriously-what a bunch of asses with too much time on their hands!
You are getting yours :)))))
Here in Mpls. people can have chickens, I think they need to get their immediate neighbors to sign something though--saying it's ok? But you can't have a rooster no matter what. And our yards are postage stamps.
No way would they let us keep a raccoon though. But there are wild coons everywhere, so how would they know?
This would be a great children's book Pat. Rescuing, re-habbing, and then saving Tooney from the mean Sheriff--it's even educational!
Oh and I thought your header was a stock photo--which is why I didn't comment. I'm impressed!
I live in the heart of a big city and I can have chickens. There's not even any prohibitions on livestock. Backyard chicken keeping is a trend here. Pat, I think it was your troll judging by the comment up there ^^^
TJH, I would love to live in a place called Bad Axe. Especially if you have to tell som eone your address over the phone. Say it fast! I love it. It's better than living on a street called Te Nom.
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