Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today is Mabon!

Today is one of my favorite holidays, Mabon. The night and the day, this one time of the year, are the same length. 'Tis the official changing of the season, the Autumn Equinox. I wish I could do something elaborate, but, things are pretty crazy here due to the impending move, but, you know what? That's okay. I have a fall candle and some leaves from the yard and some cinnamon pine cones. I will make my small alter and spend the day out in the rain and nature. Mabon spirits will welcome me all the same. I hope you all have a beautiful and bountiful Mabon.


Jane said...

Always giving us something new to learn. Hope you had a good Mabon! We had a bit of fall weather today but it won't last long before it will be hot again. We usually have to wait to somewhere's around the end of Oct.

connie45 said...

Same here Jane. I wish summer would take a look at the calendar and depart gracefully....but no!

IMabon sounds like a lovely way to welcome Fall!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mabon, Pat.
It's been a beautiful day, weather-wise, here. Sunny, with slight coolish breeze. Blue skies and a temperature around 70, with just a few clouds and slight rain feel in the afternoon. The stars were absolutely beautiful this morning, too. They were so bright, and right over the peak of the house at about 5:30am when the puppies wanted out. The atmosphere must have been very, very clear, as there was not a bit of twinkle to any of the stars. Orion's belt was very prominent, and I could see all the stars in the Subaru symbol (I've forgotten the name of the constellation). Now I remember. The Pleiades. Absolutely beautiful.
I requested call to stay home and guard my home. My husband is not to come here anymore without me being here. He was supposed to drop off a tablet of mine that he took when he left last year. He discovered when we were separating out the cell bills last week, that he will be responsible for paying the $10 per month for the tablet, since he is in possession. He would rather dump it on me, than pay, so he decided to give it back.
We agreed by text, that he would drop it off at my work, as that is where I would be during the day. He failed to do so, and when I texted him about it, he told me he left it in my computer chair. When I asked him, he told me he took some things, and tried to wake Andy, but he was sleeping too soundly.
I can't tell you how creeped out I am that he was here, wandering around, looking through stuff while I was at work.
I am having the locks re-keyed tomorrow.

Dirty Disher said...

I had the best Mabon. It was beautiful and my fav kind of rain. The fall flowers are in full force. He who shall not be named spend his first full night out without me. Which made me so happy.

Christina, I would have been livid. I would have flipped the fuck out. There is something wrong with him.

Dirty Disher said...

~spent~ I can not type on this laptop. Ugg.

Angie said...

Christina, that is unacceptable. He lost his right to cross your threshold when he bailed on you. Fuck him and his mother. Change the locks. I still wish you could just throw his shit out in the rain.

Kitty said...

Happy Mabon! I'm glad you had a good one, it didn't feel like fall yesterday here, but today it does! So ready for summer to b over!

Dirty Disher said...

Listen to Angie.

Happy Mabon, Kitty! Nice weather here, soft rain, cool. Oh, it is perfect. Iowa has one week of good weather per year. So, yeah, I'm out in it.

Dirty Disher said...

ps. HWSNBN, spent another successful night out! We are winning.

Anonymous said...

The locks are changed as of yesterday afternoon, though he does not know it, and I am not going to tell him. Let him find out the hard way. :)
I am going to finish my refinance application today, and after that, the cleaning of the shed in order to make room for boxes of things from the house. Then the sorting and boxing can begin. Hopefully, by Sunday afternoon I will have made a huge dent in what is clogging the house.
Then, I will padlock the shed with the new locks I bought. He won't have access unless he asks very nicely. So how does that feel, dirt bag?
Thanks to anybody and everybody who has offered support to me. It has helped more than you all know.