Thursday, September 10, 2015

Web links for time wasting and brain numbing

Hacker Typer. Type like a hacker in the movies. (stupid fun)

(Strip generator image)..and a bunch of strange, fun, websites..

Pointer pointer. Shows you a random person pointing to wherever you point. (weird)

Rainy Mood. Sounds like a thunder/rain storm. (I love this one.)

Whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner Dinner suggestions, with profanity and profane options. (I might actually use this one.)

Does the dog die? Find out before you watch the movie if an animal dies in it. (Useful at highly emotional times.)

Falling Falling. An odd (cheesy looking) website that makes you feel like you're falling. Okay, yeah, it sort of works. I want to revisit this site when I'm drunk or high.

Kanye Zone. A weird game where you bop Kanye in the head to block his zone. Money signs when you explode his head. Oddly satisfying, but, I wish Kim was there too.

Strip creator. Make your own comic strip. This one is fun and it looked like you can submit your own character. Who wouldn't enjoy that?

ʇxǝʇ dıןɟ. Lets you type upside down. (Sort of cool.)

Pizza Gif. I don't know why. But, it looks like, again, you can submit your own, which would be pretty fun.

Clever bot. Converse with a bot. It made me laugh. Here is part of our conversation, the bot speaks first here...
Can you answer riddles?
Riddle me one.
No you riddle me.
What's black and white and red all over.
Your intestines with salt and pepper.


Jane said...

Where in the hell do you find this shit? Love it!

iambriezy said...

I spent way more time than I'm willing to admit pretending to be a hacker.

Frimmy said...

I love cleverbot.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, I spend time in the weirdest places. I might make this link post a weekly thing. Except I have no concept of time.

Briezy, I liked being a hacker. Fox Mulder was peeking over my shoulder.

Frim, I went back and talked to Bot for an hour. We got nowhere and Bot called me conceited.

Dirty Disher said...

OH, I used the rainy mood link to sleep last night. It worked.

Jane said...

Don't need the rainy mood. We had a long drought here and I had to water the plants, but the heat was so bad, it didn't help much. But I never once complained about no rain. Well, the rainy season seems to be here now, so my swamp will be back soon. It's just a case of you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

It was so dry, the flea population exploded. Had to get an exterminator to come. The fleas were eating me up. Never had that before and I hope it never happens again.

Jane said...

OK, on the one called Falling Falling. What do you think it means if you feel like you're on one of those rides that makes you go up real fast.

Kitty said...

There's a whole website dedicated to this kind of stuff. It called and has some of these websites you listed. You could check it out and tell us which ones are the best or most interesting.