Wednesday, October 21, 2015

DNA manipulated super muscle dog...a reality

Thanks, China, for THIS. That monstrosity is now a reality because scientists can't stop fucking with DNA. Now they can inject a canine embryo so that the resulting pup can take on a magnificent amount of unnatural muscle. They claim this super dog will be great for military and police use..and hunting. Hunting? Obviously, they don't hunt much in China because they have no idea how a hunting dog is used. Yeah, I wonder what else it will be good for? You can bet the Michael Vicks of this world have already ordered a dozen, at least. This just makes no sense and the world doesn't need this at all. This is just a science experiment waiting to become abused. Besides, it's not new. Guntowners have been doing this for years. The only difference is, they do it with breeding and diet, because they think DNA is probably some new drug they'd like to shove in their glass pipes. But, man, them fuckin' dawgs is bad ass.


Anonymous said...

That is scary, and stupid. Why do people keep doing stuff like this? I mean, really? Who needs a bigger, possibly meaner as well as stronger, dog? I am just sad for humanity.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't know, but, I know we will probably end up with one after a drug raid. Every pit I've ever had came from a drug raid. Nice dogs, all of them, but, so badly abused.

Anonymous said...

I know for sure they have short life spans. Everything about him, and his genetic mutilation, screams 5 or 6 years max, with plenty of health problems. Muscle mass doesn't equal fast or agile, essential in a hunting dog. I really don't approve of this at all, not that anybody asked.
Again I'm begging for a response.. Did you see the FB pic or get email with picture that I forwarded to you with Dirtydisher,.border.mikey the key words so you'd see it. I can send you more of a perfect dog, in or out of costume, is you got the forwarded email.

Kitty said...

If normal dogs are already capable of bringing someone down, imagine what this dog could do. In the wrong hands it could be worse than deadly.

And china, hunting? Hunting what, a bear? Not wrapping their new muscler arms and legs around the victim.

Dan Zinski said...

Wait till they unleash their cyborg dogs.

Anonymous said...

China is bent on 'outdoing' the West in every way imaginable. And they don't understand why we find them trashy.

Unknown said...

This is Wendy the Whippet from BC Canada. It has nothing to do with China. It is a naturally occurring genetic mutation.

The Animal Planet video of her on this page is excellent.