Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Light up kid?

I was thinking...why not put a friction pet light on your kids when you're in rural areas, at parks and lakes and places like that? That baby Rainn story made me think of this. If she'd had a light on, she might have been found that first night. They don't weigh much, my cat wears one. I can spot him a long ways off at night. I can always find him. Ours is neon green. It never needs batteries, it recharges with friction movement. He's been wearing it for almost a year and it's still going. It cost $12 bucks and would look cool clipped to a child's belt loop or jacket pull. With binoculars, I'll bet you could see it a LONG way off. Might sound weird, but, if I ever hear of my little grandkids going to a big state park or camping or something, I'm going to get some for them. You never know. A toddler can slip away from you so quick. It's awful to think about, but, it happens.

I got lost in a state park in Oregon one time when I was around five, I think. I remember it. I was around 7 miles from where I started, I must have been truckin' along. It was thick pine forest and rough climbing country. I remember being so excited to explore, I forgot to mark my path. The police finally found me before dawn. I had holed up in some large boulders under a bluff figuring I'd find my way back to camp in the morning. But, I heard them calling and saw the search lights. I was old enough to know they were looking for me. A two year old might not. They might hide because rescuers can seem pretty scary. Dumb story, but, thought I'd throw it in. I was always up for adventure. It got me in trouble a lot. It's a wonder a mountain lion didn't make a snack out of me. I had anticipated that and was armed with rocks and a sharp stick. Kids are so dumb. I wasn't even scared, I was just cold and pissed off that you really can not make fire by rubbing two sticks together. I remember thinking I didn't care what the Indians did, it was bullshit!


Elle said...

Wow, this is actually a really good idea! I am so ordering one so I don't forget to when next spring rolls around again and we start going hiking/camping/doing general outdoor activities again with our very fast preschooler.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of these. Where do you get them? I tried googling friction pet light and got nada. Would love to have a couple around.

Dirty Disher said...

Yay, someone listened. I got mine at the farm store. But, big pet stores would have them. I have to get one for Ouija, he is wanting out now. Fat Cat never gets far enough away from me to need one. He's my butt buddy. Wait, that sounded weird.

Anonymous said...

These are a good idea for pets and people. They are really noticeable from a long way off.

Dirty Disher said...

They are! Indie is quite the adventurer. He can't hide from me though.

Dirty Disher said...

ps..the one I have is so sensitive it blinks whenever he moves. So, he's tried laying down and hiding, but, he moves his head and give himself away. Blink, blink, gotcha. Also, the neighbors all know who he is and who he belongs to because of his light.

Jane said...

I've never heard of those either. For someone living in what you call a small town, y'all sure do have some neat things that others don't.

Kitty said...

That's cool and an awesome idea for people camping. I would get one for every member of the group camping, not just babies and dogs. It could really save a life.

PS: I used to think I could start a fire the same way, lol.