Friday, November 27, 2015

Stupid Bo Cunt

Courtney Stodden is protesting wool. “Every wool sweater or scarf means a lifetime of suffering for a beautiful, gentle sheep. My friends at PETA and I urge everyone to leave wool on the rack this winter!”

OMFG. Sheering helps Sheep, you moron. If sheep aren't sheered in Spring they would die of the heat and all the extra pounds they carry in their coat. Besides, Sheep are not sweet. They will kill you. I once dated a Sheep fucker, err farmer. I walked out the second time I had to herd escaped Sheep that were bigger than me and were clearly trying to kill me. They even growl. Right before they stampede you and trample your ass to dust. Then they laugh. They also smell like Satan's ass. I hate Sheep.

Here is an unsheered Sheep. People as stupid as Stodden and PETA do not deserve to live. They deserve to be locked in a pen with angry Sheep. On meth.


iambriezy said...

Is she pushing out a dump in that pic? She's so gross.

Dirty Disher said...

She's ruined her beauty because she's nuts.

Jane said...

I can't believe PETA is backing that pic. Surely they know the sheep have to be sheared. I still can't believe her mother let her marry that dude.

Anonymous said...

Why does a Scotsman wear wellington boots?

So the sheep can't get away.

Unknown said...

Peta have really outdone themselves this time. What's wrong with them?

Frimmy said...

Harvesting corn damages the plant. The beautiful corn plant takes an entire lifetime of growing to produce the product for your selfish corn-based predilections. Wake the fuck up people.

Jane said...

Good one Frimmy!

Kitty said...

It's just a sheep haircut, should we all boycott haircuts now?