I haven't found a home for the yellow cat yet and now he's grown on me. Mostly because this is all he does all day and night. He eats, comes over to me for a bit of lovin', them retires to his old chair. He flops down, happy to be in a warm spot, out of the cold and purrs until he passes out. He is not the one causing the night time disturbances. So....why not just keep him? I named him Billy Boy, not that creative, but, it seems to fit. I cleaned the grease off his head (he must have slept under cars), got rid of his ear mites and fleas and fattened him up. He is such a nice old boy. I'm gonna just let him live here since he is so little trouble. You couldn't ask for a nicer cat. Santa will bring him his first collar this year, with his own little bell, just like the other cats. I'll take him to the vet after the holidays, when I'm not so broke. He deserves a home and his own spot. Doin' the stray cat strut is all fun and games for a youngster, but, once they get a bit older, it's pure survival and tough on them. He doesn't need to worry anymore.
Indie's nose was out of joint about yet another fucking animal here and another tom cat at that. He was pissed. But, he yowled and growled and slapped Billy a couple of times, but, Billy just looked at him, like, 'really?' He wouldn't engage, he bored Indie and Indie finally sighed and accepted the new guy. I saw them sleeping together yesterday, but, when Indie caught me looking and smiling, he got embarrassed and jumped up and ran. So, now everything is copasetic. As long as no other cat is allowed in my bed. There are some boundries that cannot be passed.
Indie and Ouija (Chi Chi) continue to battle. Chi is big and strong and fast, but, Indie is a street fighter in a tux. He's bad assed and he knows it. Sometimes it's just play, most times, but, sometimes it gets serious and I have to step in. I don't want Chi to get hurt, but, the kitten in him won't let Indie alone. They romp across the couches and roll onto tables, knocking off everything sitting on them. Breaking ashtrays and candles and pulling down curtains. They drive me crazy and keep me busy separating them. It pisses me off at night when I'm trying to sleep. Sleep is something I am finally enjoying after seven years of paranormal interfearance and now this shit? Fuck you cats! I scream and bang my cane, but, they don't fear me. They know I won't hit them. I do throw pillows at them though. Fuckers. I also just found a spray bottle for water and can't wait to use it.
They were all settled down last night, done with fighting, begging for food they don't need and going in and out..I was laying on the couch in my jammies, my furry throw, all warm and watching my fav show and thinking how nice and comfy it was. How nice to have my animals all safe in the house and mellow. THEN...Chi Chi farted. And farted, and farted. OMFG, his farts are worse than Casey's gassy pit bull. I think Billy joined him. I think they were having a fart off. I opened the front door and sprayed Glade and Febreeze all over, but, they eventually ran me out. Indie and I went to the bedroom and shut the door. Gassy fuckers, what the fuck have they been eating? Dead rat?? Gawd.
I haven't seen Tooney all week and I was pretty worried about him, but, Mom said she saw him last night at her bird feeder. She knows it was him because she called him and he came part way to the porch and then took off. So, I know he's okay. I don't know why he hasn't been here. The Judge is off somewhere too, no one is eating the peanut butter MnM cookies I left out. Oh well, them's the breaks, I guess. You can't keep track of the wild ones, they're on their own. Still, it's hard not to worry a little when you care about them.
Pretty boring life, right? I agree, but, I also appreciate boring. No drama. Except Lissa begging for a belly button piercing. We have been going around and around about it. I think she's too young. But, she looks and acts 16 most days. But, she's not. Cripes. I made her watch a vid of how they do it and it looked painful as hell, but, she still wants it. "More than anything, Grandma, I'll give up all my presents this year, PLEASE! Please, everyone cool has it, I'll take care of it, I won't let it get infected, PLEASE, oh god, you'll ruin my life if you don't let me, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!" All month long. Jesus Christ, maybe I've gone off the deep end, but, I handed her a tiny santa box yesterday with a $100 bill and a permission slip in it. She was joyous and I am the best grandma in the world. I said, now you have to talk Aunt Casey into taking you and that might not be easy. So, whew. I don't have to listen to the whining anymore. Now she'll whine to Case. Sorry Casey J, do what you think is best. Ha. Merry holiday. What are all you guys up to? Are you all ready for the yuletide chaos?
PS..The rats are happy out of my laundry room and living in Casey's office at work. They get tons of the attention they craved, Casey likes them and I can finally make my laundry room all cute and handy. Win/win.
Glad you all are settling in well to the new place. Your ginger Billy Boy sure looks content on that chair! I know the feeling when everyone is quiet here and I can enjoy the peace and be grateful the cat and dog are both healthy. (Even when I only get a little portion of the queen sized bed because the Pug takes up so much of it!)
I'm heading to my parent's place for a few days and looking forward to vegging with them, the animals, eating good food and watching lots of movies, our holiday tradition.
Be well!
Yes the "boring" moments in a household are those worth appreciating. I hear the "thats cool" phrase all the time from Marina. I tell her such and such does NOT make YOU cool. Someone who is really cool - just is - without all the crap surrounding them. You know - after thinking about it - there is not ONE person I can point out to her and say "see so and so - they are cool because they are who they are and for no other material reason". Sad. Stuff does not make you cool. At least not my definition of it.
I need to unload a bit- hope you don;t mind: I've always focused so much on my kids behaving properly, interacting politely and treating others with respect no matter what - that now when Marina is having huge ugly issues with a former good friend and classmate, I've left her unequipped to handle it. Not engaging or feeding into this kids verbal/behavior nastiness, has left my kid her Target and go to punching bag. I've had confirmation from other students and their Mothers how this bully student treats Marina.
Since Marina was a 2 or 3 - when push came to shove - maybe at playgroup over a toy - She just backs off. That's who she is even now. Her already fragile teen ego crumbles and that kid knows it and pounces on it. Now Im suppose to drop her at a party this evening and that Kid is going to be there. I told Marina - for tonight - try not to end up next to her. Walk away. Disengage. Sounds like fun right? Sigh....
I love you Pat. I take in strays and foster kittens. You are a year round Santa to these animals in need. Thank you for all you do for them!!
Yes, thanks to all who care for the animals. I'm going to go and give money to a woman who owns a little pet shop, one where you don't make money, but she is fostering 2 huskys, older, very dependent on each other. So whoever adopts (nobody) has to take both. One may have been used as a breeder. She has gotten them over skin conditions and stuff. I'm not fostering them because Mikey tends not to like huskys, as evidenced at the dog park, and I don't want to chance medicinal issues being passed. When I die I'm going to have a fund established, I hope, to help those who foster or are old and need some money for veterinary issues. I do hope I am able to do that. Meanwhile I'll give where I can and this lady (never met her) sounds like she needs it although she has never asked for it. Beautiful dogs, both blue eyed.
Bullied children…awful. I don't have advise. My father told me if these 2 boys who stole my beanie all the time did it again, he was going to hit me. So I had no choice but to go after the boys with arms and legs flailing. Now, I don't know, kids are more vicious.
I think in Henry V, Shakespeare there is a line "aw we don't follow fashion, we MAKE it" Might be useful to use it on Lis and model making people follow you, want what you want.
On a totally different note, has anyone been watching the "Hunting Hitler" series? It is very good and seems so possible. You just never know. It seems quite possible according to their findings. Seems to me evil always survives.
I will report this too the state, today. This might just be the ice breaker.
A belly piercing for an 11 year old.
God Bless that child.
Beth, Yeah, you know that good cozy feeling, then they fart. I can not stand public farters. These two will end up with their outside privleges revoked if they don't stop eating like stray cats. But, yeah, when it's good, it's really good. Have fun at your parents, tell your mom 'hi and Merry' for me.
Connie, I have tried all the advise to her, she spaces me off and decides who's cool and it's usually someone I think is border idiot. Right now, she's into roll play with her net friends, all of whom have sexual identity issues. Casey and I call her a 'fruit fly'. That's a baby fag hag. But, I've met them all (Skype) and they seem like good kids, just different. She sees herself as one of the popular girls at school, yet, she's an outcast in her mind. It's strange. And even though she's the tallest in her class and not small (bigger than me) she gets bullied sometimes. She also walks away and throws fits about it at home. I ask if she wants me to go talk to the mean girl's mom and she acts like I've hit her with a flame thrower. Last week the mean girl cut her with a pencil lead. I was so pissed, but, she claimed I had to stay out of it, but, she just took it in silence. Don't ask me what the answer is. I told her if someone attacks you physically, you have the right to defend yourself. Maybe her and Marina need to talk on the phone. I have a pencil lead imbedded in my palm from 5th grade, still plain as day. I was a tiny, skinny quiet kid. But, that was the last I took from that amazon bully. I swung and hit. Knocked her on her butt and she never picked on me again. Lis just won't. Sounds like Marina won't either. The adults in charge of them never seem to see this shit, that's what makes me angry. I have no solution.
Thanks, Laurajean, but, they do as much for me as I do for them. I am never alone and they alert me to any presence. Animals are just so easy to like. You rarely meet one that has hate in it's heart.
Border, you are such a good person and I like your plan. I also like that quote and I WILL be using it. I can see Coco Chanel saying that and whipping a fur stole over her shoulders.
Jane, I'll watch it and see if I get into it. I agree evil never dies. It just rearranges form.
Have fun, anon. Call whomever your fat ugly twat desires. Several kids at her elementary school have facial and other peircings. They are still with their parents. This isn't the 1950's, you moron.
Oh I love your new ginger Tom! He's definitely a keeper. My life is so crappy right now I don't even want to talk about it. All I can hope for is that this time next year my life will be back on track again. I'm so longing to be somewhere other than Australia. I'm also really thinking about getting a dog... something to love. No love is better than the love you get from your dog.
I mean, there is no love better than the love you get from a dog. Except for our children and grandchildren.
I wrote two posts here, and Google ate one of them, and I deleted the other.
Your kitties look so sleek and well cared for. I kind of love the marmie one. Those orange kitties get me every time. when I was little, we had a marmie girl named Kitty Kelly. I have loved them ever since. I am glad to hear that you will be keeping him.
Lia, I am so sorry to hear that your life is not what you would choose right now. I hope the next year is better to you
So, my Christmas season is mostly lows this year. The divorce is final, but George has only until January 1 to get the rest of his crap. He has so far to go. He makes messes wherever he goes, and is oblivious to my requests not to pile stuff everywhere. The house is a mess, and I can only get though my dining room through one path. I hate it. He also has a couple of vehicles here, and has made no effort to retrieve them.
I have wreaths up on the door, and the coop and little barn doors. The gingerbread house kit is still in the box, and every time I try to do anything with the tree, it falls down. It fell so many times while I was setting it up last week, that when it fell and was bridging two tables, I almost threw lights over it,hooked it up to the clapper, and called it good. Weird. I have never had trouble before. My neighbors have gifted me with cookies, and I can hardly budge my butt out of my chair. I may bake today. Or not. This is so very weird compared to every other year. I did decorate the mantle. It's very simple. Cut cedar branches, LED candles on a timer, and fake berry garland. I sort of wrapped presents. I am eager to give Andy one gift, though. Ever since he was little, he has hated mimes. Just no tolerance for them at all. I found a book at the used book store at the Farmers market, called "Be a Mime". It's awesome. I also got him a black beret and white gloves to go with it. I really have been enjoying the thought of this way too much.
WRAP PRESENTS OMG I COMPletely forgot. Already talked myself out of going to the store. But nothing wrapped. No decorating here. Life with all of the tasks is too much for me to do. Really. Anyway hope it gets better for you Christina, and I can just see the wreaths for the chickens. Cute. Makes me smile, and not much else does.
It is 81 degrees today. It was 83 yesterday. There is a hot, humid wind blowing and it's been raining all week. UCK!!!! My decks are slimy and the snails are crawling up the door. They're small and there are a bunch of them. Maybe I should paint them red and green--a living, mobile Xmas decoration. Now if I could figure out how to shove a tine light up their butts, I'd be set. Very Christmasy!!!!
I really hope all of you who are in the spirit will have a wonderful day. Especially if you have little ones. Xmas is for kids and those who are young at heart!
Love your Billy Boy, thank you for giving him a good life. I've had a terrible week, but seeing his happy face helps a lot.
Thanks Christina. Our lives have been suffering the same fate all this year. So its been pretty up and down. Though I have to say that I would never have believed how incredibly sane and peaceful life as a single person has turned out to be. But tying off the loose ends with a narcissist is incredibly complicated. Hopefully we will both be in a much better space next Christmas! Hugs to you.
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