Monday, June 20, 2016

Coons in my window

Nosey little beggars playing in the window. Then the storm scared them and the boy shit ALL over me. Even my shoes are in the washer. They are getting big fast and need outside time, but, it's been too hot for more than half and hour in the evening. This humid heat is just brutal. But, they think they need out of that cage all the time and every time I walk by, they beg and hold out their little hands. I pacify them with treats and toys, because these two are a handful! I aint kidding. Man, they're active now. Fighting and screeching. They love it when I get in the cage with them so they can have face time and steal my glasses and unravel my hair. The boy has finally accepted me as his mom and he kisses me and pats my face, but, I always have to warn him that I'm picking him up or he goes into full attack mode. He's still afraid sometimes. The female is just the opposite and anytime I open the door she hurls herslf at me in a mock attack. It's hilarious and fun. She won't let go of me when she gets on me. I think I'm looking at two more months of this. These two learn really fast and I'll bet they can go out on their own earlier than usual. I haven't decided where to release them yet. I want them here, but, I'm not sure that's best. We'll see.


Beth said...

Those raccoons are so stinking cute!
Glad they haven't eaten anyone's face off yet :)

Jane said...

Double the fun! They are growing fast---still time for face eating! We won't be happy until we see a pic of Dan holding the sweet little babies.

Anonymous said...

u must be the raccoon whisperer. they r so totally adorable. good for u and this amazing skill and talent! u seem in better health. that's wonderful, hope the pain isn't insane. take care Pat, hi to crabbie, I enjoyed his blog before it got button done, it's ok tho. best to u and all ur lil fur babies, and good on u for keeping up with it, life. it can be a hellava handful. hugs to u all!


Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Adorable! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Unknown said...

Danged cute. Can't deny that. I'm SO happy you feel well enough to raise them.

Dirty Disher said...

Beth, admit it, you'd laugh if they tore off someone's face. Heh heh.

Jane, double the trouble, what one of them doesn't think of, the other does. I let them lose in the house yesterday and lost them. I went and watched tv until they came out, but, crabs locked himself in the bedroom and was scared to go take a pee. Ha! He has stolen my big cats affection though. Chi Chi now thinks he's crabbie'
s cat and follows him everywhere. He has agreed to be Chi's godfather and take him if something ever happens to me. Now I have places for all my animals to go. It's morbid, but, a great relief knowing they'll be loved.

Dirty Disher said...

Race, I do think I have a talent for Raccoon raising, I totally understand them and love them so much. I believe it is my Pagan beliefs about nature and being able to give back and help protect the forest creatures. I will continue it until I can no longer walk. That day is coming, but, not now. I am slow, and walk crooked, but, I still enjoy these babies like no other. They are very human to me. Perhaps it's the hands or the intelligence, but, I need them as much as they need me. The two I have now are very, very smart and different from any others I've had. I will make a post on their antics. Yesterday, I was outsmarted by a mile. Humiliated, but, a learning experience.

Dirty Disher said...

Hi Lia, my friend. Hope your sanding and varnishing hasn't hurt you and I'd love to see it when your done. Drop a pic in my FB messages.

Border, actually, I could use some help with these two, but, they won't let anyone else close. You will NEVER see Dan holding them. I tried sitting beside him with the girl and he got up and booked. I tried to talk him into just shaking their hands thru the bars, but, he won't go near them. To him, they are wild animals waiting to prey. He has a point. The boy gave me hell yesterday and drew blood. I'll explain it in a post.

I love you all!

Anonymous said...

HELP MY CUNT IS ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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