Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Outsmarted and half crazy

Click the pics, so you can see what I'm up against. I took the coons for their very first tree climbing lesson. Until now, they have played in the dirt and a bird bath by the garage. They stay close and come over touching my shoes to make sure I'm there before they go back to playing.

They were nervous in a new part of the yard, but, water is irrisistable. People say Coons wash their food. They do not. They just love putting things in water and playing. Sticks, stones, anything they can play chase under water. They also learn to fish for minnows and crawdads this way. I does look like they're washing food, but, they actually don't.

Climb the tree, I said. GO! But the airshow a block away made them scared and they had to crawl up mommy's leg for a bit. The big old tree intimidated them too.

Low flying airplanes are scary! She felt safe in my lap though.

Finally! They had pissed around for an hour, I even tried putting them on the tree, but, they just cried. But, suddenly they got inspired and flew up that damn tree so fast, I had to yell at them to be careful. They don't climb safely yet. It's a learned skill.

They went very high up and had several close calls. I was frantically standing under them to catch them. But, then they got the hang of it and LOVED it. They played and fought and chased each other, in absolute joy. I sat in a lawn chair, in the shade and smoked cigs and let them have hours of fun. I didn't realize I was out there over 5 hours! Finally, evening was coming along with supper time, so I called them down. In English, they knew what I wanted, but, ignored me. So, I talked Coon to them. I gave them the calls I'd heard mother coons make. It worked, the little girl came right down to me and kissed and loved on me. I took her inside, put a fan on her and fed her all her fav goodies. Then I went back to get her brother. He was having no part of me. He was being a total asshole and pretending to ignore me. He got so far up, I couldn't see him. As you can see, they blend right in with the bark. I worked at it for an hour and then, sweating and frustrated, I gave up. I kept checking thru the kitchen window to see if he'd come down for the food and water I left, but, nope. I was near panicked for him. Jesus, he thinks he can go out on his own, but, he's far to young and little. Finally, I was standing out there at midnight (he'd been up there since 11 am) with a flashlight and a box a cheese crackers. I stuffed them in my mouth and chewed really noisy and smacked my lips, saying, 'yummmmm, nummies'. It finally worked. He came down, grabbed a cracker from me and I grabbed him. He went bananas and growled like a werewolf and bit the hell out of my hand, drawing blood. I held him close and he relaxed and nosed into my armpit where he feels safe. He was happy to see his sister and all the food. His sister, on the other hand, ignored him. She had been crying in the cage and I assumed she missed him. I even took her out to call him down, but, she wouldn't talk to him. Turns out she was crying for me and fuck him, I guess. Raccoons are so complicated. Anyway, I nearly died of heat stroke because that little fucker wont mind his mother and he's too big for his britches. I forgave the bite. After all, I did foil his escape plan. That would piss me off too. He's fine now.

Lissa is having a birthday bash in the backyard. I have to get busy decking it out. She's 12, you know. Not a baby, so no stupid baby stuff, I am told. Ordered, I guess. This drone will comply. I'll take pics. I will also take pics of me and the elusive crabster. \You will be surprised at how cute he is.

Oh, and I have a plan for Huffle Coon. I am going to hire someone to put a shelter in the tree and I am making feeding stations IN the tree. He can live in it, if he wants to that bad. Little girl will go inside with me, until she decides. The tree is perfect. I can hear if he's bothered by a grown Raccoon and he will never have to come down until he's bigger and ready to. It's a compromise. I told you, these two are different. I have never had one want to go out at this age. It's crazy. But, I'm going to let him.

Click that.I ordered white iron curly cues for the porch poles. I guess they're actually shelf supports, but, fuck that. They look perfect and I love them!

I might order some more for the sides. I just love iron work. I think I did pretty good. I put them up myself at 3 am in a terrible storm. I was bored and wouldn't wait for crabbie to get to it. My hands are too arthritic now to use a screw driver, so I nailed them on. They seem stable enough to me. What do you think? And what's up?


Jane said...

I loved the pics. They are sweet looking babies. And you sound so energetic and healthy. I know the pain is probably still worrisome but you do sound so good. Maybe having the babies and crabbie around has been invigorating.

Are y'all not getting this heat wave? I don't think I could stand being outside that long. Hope Lis has a good party. Can't wait to see pics.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Great Coon Story!!! And the house looks great!!! Hope you are getting around okay, is it keeping you from gardening? Mine have come in really good this year, but it has taken three years of planting, adding and replanting/moving plants to get it to this point.

Hope Lis has a fantastic birthday celebration.


Anonymous said...

The babies are so cute, and I love the way that little girl is holding onto your leg and looking around! That sounds like toddler behavior! Hanging onto mom while checking things out.
The white iron looks great on your porch. I love the black iron on your windows, too. It sounds like you are doing fairly well right now. Maybe getting around slower than before, but getting around nevertheless.
I hope it's not too hot there for Lissa's party, and that you all have a great time.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see party pics! Wish Lis a happy birthday from me. I love the ironwork you put up, the front of your house looks beautiful, friendly and lively. You sure have bucked up, what with parties, coons and the crabster. It's happy reading :-)

Unknown said...

This babies are so adorable. I can't wait to see them again. Oh and btw, i LOVE the iron "shelf" on the porch! It looks so cute! Tell Liss I miss her.

Unknown said...

This babies are so adorable. I can't wait to see them again. Oh and btw, i LOVE the iron "shelf" on the porch! It looks so cute! Tell Liss I miss her.

Dirty Disher said...

I am forced to buck up what with the princess demands. I am hurting like a bitch, but, all I have to do is live thru tonight and then I can FINALLY rest. The coons are grounded until the festivities are over. I will keep you posted. Thank the universe for pain meds.

Unknown said...

Love the coon stories and pictures. The ironwork on the porch looks great. You gige character and life to other people's junk. A talent and a skill
I still hurt and my eyes are worse and worse. The sister drove me to eye dr yesterday where she sees the extent of damage and still says to the doctor, So, if she didn't smoke would that make her better. Except it's so nasty it's not a question but a demand. Dr turns his head and looks shocked at her.. He says, no, as a matter of fact it has nothing to do with it. Since you are a sister do you have eye problems. She says no and I say but I got my mother's bad eye genes and she has my father's bad heart genes. Had HBP from her teens and never been able to control it, despite her not smoking. Dr says so there you go, some things just are, and the patient can't be blamed. My sister is now completely pissed and will end up coming over and screaming and cussing at me. Soon. That's how she rolls. If I didn't sometimes need her, I'd need see her again. Mainly she's pissed because I won't give her power of attorney or health care decisions for me. Yea, I ant that gd dumb yet. Also she was hacking about alzheimers so i'm sure she is hoping to go that route, although I saw a neurologist and he said, are you kidding me? Tell you sister she should be tested instead. So there you go. Tell Crabby Dan hi. I've got the best dog in the world and sis will take him, and she loves him, but I have some concern about her decision making and the tension in her house. The tension there is awful. I have to take care of her attack dog again for a week starting tomorrow. I think the dog would be better off not living with her. People make them tense.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, your sister the queen biotch is such a dope, I love stories about her. Hang in there, my friend.

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