Saturday, June 4, 2016

Feeling better! Second post in two days!

My precious woodland spirits. Adorable. Will NOT tear your face off...yet.

The house. I put the pics on  big so you can click them. I know the front is busy, some of this will go in the back when I'm up to it. I went with black because of the cat prints. Honestly, I just can't keep scrubbing the window sills all the time from cat prints. I gave up and painted the screen door black and I think I made the right choice. Instead of paint on the windows, I found those old curly cue iron pieces. I have no idea what they are, but, they just fit the windows and they go with all the odd iron junk I keep in the yard.

There's a better pic of the iron window thing a majigs. Love them. Skinny Indie can still crawl in between to knock on the window. That cat is crazito.

My shade garden is booming, the Hostas are magnificent there by the arbor. Yes, I brought the arbor. It took awhile, but, I would never leave it. You guys got it for me and it means a lot. It is in the perfect spot.

The arbor at night. I put lights on it. I love this area so much. Welp, that about it. I am feeling so much better since my little surgery and I hope all of you are well too.  Crabs and I went garage sailing this morning.  I'll take some pics of my treasures, mostly junk for the garden. Take care, let me know what's up!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back and feeling/doing better! It's been "interesting" in her lately!

Anonymous said...

Oops - I meant "in here".

Dirty Disher said...

I know! I haven't kept up because I felt like poo, but, the troll really doesn't bother me and I figure all of you REAL people will know it's all lies. And stupid. I'll be back more often now.

Unknown said...

The place looks amazing Pat! I love it. It's really lovely and inviting. A real home. I heard that Chris Kardashian has bad back pain and gets an epidural for the pain regularly. I'm so happy to see you functioning again. You're right about the troll. I guess it was the message that was supposed to be from Casey saying that you had been hospitalised and the blog was being shut down that really put the wind up everyone and made it personal. But, thankfully, it was a lie. Kinda ironic that, the troll lying, when she has made it her life goal to expose you as a liar. So funny!

Anonymous said...

Gardens and front of house look awesome! You really got it looking homey in short order!


Jane said...

I am so envious of your yard. And I do know what it takes to get it like that. I planted one plant and I started crying. That's when I knew for sure the epidural wore off. I hope I can get an idea of how often to take them so I don't have to go through the pain when they run out.

It has rained all day and Puppy has had to go out----but he doesn't like to get wet. I do have a carport but it is not connected to the house. So he has to get wet anyway and he doesn't like that. I stand at the door with a towel and he can't wait to get dried off. The new meds are working on him and he is looking good. But there are places on his back legs that I don't think will ever grow hair again. Maybe I can make some doggy chaps!

I'm so glad you are feeling better. As for troll, I could never figure why some people do what they do. But since this shit with my son, I've figure out some people are just like that and there really is nothing that anyone can do about it. Some people are just bad by nature.

Unknown said...

Actually I wish you would block the damned troll. I am tired of her disgusting comments. The one from "Casey" was not from Casey's real posting name so I knew the difference. The stuff about Lis is disgusting and she could be prosecuted for leaving those messages. Put up or shut up, troll

My eyes are bad. Can barely read. Macular degeneration and very hard to drive and scar tissue covers the le ft eye where I got all the shots so now I can't see center vision. The right eye is better but not good. I just don't see anything in plain site.

Mikey is still my wonderful boy. He really is a fabulous companion.

At the dog park today a man came, 88 years old and it was his birthday. One of his 3 dogs died a couple of days ago and he was crying. I felt so bad for him. We have all been through the emptiness of such losses.

I got an invite to a GD baby shower, for christ's sake. Like I care. Hated them when I was of child bearing age, and hate them worse now. Plus I would not know her if I saw her in front of her house. Bad eyes make it really hard to recognize people. Screw it. It's insulting actually.

I'm trying to attract humming birds and have a couple of plants they would like and bought and had installed a little fountain right where I put the hummingbird feeder. I'm going to put a big sign up next so they know they are welcome. The bird seed one doesn't attract the sparrows and finches either.

JANE you must install a covered area between the house and carport, obviously. You are the one who is supposed to cater to his needs. I'm never the alpha dog. I try to be a good mom-servant.

The back is so terrible. I have to get to Sacramento in July and plan to rent a hotel for one night for a lousy 7 hour drive. The eyes are so bad, as is the back, that I know I won't be able to bear it. Then a hotel for several days before I stay in the mobile home. First day is to set off insect bombs, 2nd day to have somebody haul away the fridge that I hear is broken, no electricity to it. Then get a $100 fridge for the weeks I will be there. And hire somebody to do vacuuming and some cleaning before Mikey and I spend the night. I can't do it. Say, if Dan wants a mobile for free, all he has to do is help me and it's his. 2 bedrooms 2 baths, needs fixing up to be nice. Needed carpets when I moved in years ago, but I was out of town so much I didn't replace it. Besides, it was just my flop mobile when I was town. They had me on the road a lot. And when I was there, if I wasn't at work I found a million other things to do. It's a great area with so many things to do in town or close by every single weekend.

Unknown said...

JANE wanted to mention that Mikey who is a certified service dog, yesterday refused to get in the car. I was going to the bank, Home Depot, Staples and another place where he always goes in. But nope, it must have been 80 degrees out so he wasn't about the enter the vehicle. Sat on the porch and let me know he was out of service due to heat. He likes not more than 60 and overcast. I should have points taken off his service dog license for failure to perform.

Mrs. S. said...

I love the pieces over your windows, such a great idea. Glad you're feeling better, I hate to hear of you laid up and unable to enjoy your new yard this year.

Mrs. S. said...

I love the pieces over your windows, such a great idea. Glad you're feeling better, I hate to hear of you laid up and unable to enjoy your new yard this year.

Anonymous said...

The place looks really nice. I like those wrought iron things over the door. I don't know what they are, either, but they are very elegant and delicate looking. That is a nice use for them. Your hostas are growing very well, too.
Too funny about Mikey drawing the line about work conditions, Border. Is he union?
My back is bothering me, too, but I don't think it is anywhere near as bad as anyone else's, so I will just quietly suck it up and go about my business. The migraines, on the other hand, are misery. I have some migraine activity almost every day, and periodically have really bad ones. Last week I worked with a really bad one. I can't always predict the worse ones, and once I was there, and it was a miserable day, I can't really go home.
I'm glad you're feeling better. I have been worried. You even have new babies to look after! They are very cute!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks everyone! I am sorry for those of you with medical issues, it IS tough. You expect some things with age, but, apparently when I broke horses, jumped from perfectly good planes and drove in demolition derbies I may have caused some spine problems that are just now giving up the ghost. My spine holds two severe injuries and scoliosis. It's good that they figured it out though. I finally have options. That epidural was a bit rough though and lasted so fucking long. I had no idea. I am not sure I would do it again. I might.

Mikey is the king dog of the blog and you all better know it!

Anonymous said...


How do you work at all with a history of migraines? I ask because I am in the midst of rebound migraines that make me vomit. the pain is horrendous. I have not worked since March 1 and am out of work on longterm disability insurance. I have lost 25 pounds in 6 months.


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:36 needs to have its IP recorded and reported to some sort of child welfare authority for continually using such sexually suggestive language about a young child. Why is this atrocious behavior being tolerated by blogger?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gawd, Troll!!! Don't you have ANYTHING better to do with your life than stalk this site and a kid's Facebook page? This is just the most classic case of the "pot calling the kettle black" I've ever witnessed because it is YOU who is skeevy and pathetic! PLEASE do everyone who is here for fun (and because they're friends of Pat) a big favor and GO THE FUCK AWAY!! (And PLEASE - get yourself a life while you're at it!) Then again, just like the useless Kartrashians, I suspect you're here for the attention. SMH!!!

Unknown said...

Jolie and Christina I've seen a couple of ads touting botox for migraine. They have to be frequent in order to be considered for it, and I'm sure it isn't for everyone (nothing is) but just thought I'd mention it.

Dan Zinski said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad you took the arbor!! I love the front of your house, I don't think it looks busy, I think it looks happy!!

Dirty Disher said...

Anon, the epidural for injecting steroids and pain meds into the spine is NOT like it is when having a baby. It took 5 people and a couple of hours. He went very slowly, so I could tell him when he hit a pocket of infection. Less pain. You are extremely retarded and all you do is continue to make people realize it.

Crabbie also seems to enjoy the eggplant lasagna. Which is great, now I finally have someone here who will eat what I cook. Maybe I'll cook more real food now.

Unknown said...

I love cooking! I wish I could have people round for dinner now and again, it's such fun planning and preparing and then wining and dining. I don't even mind cleaning up after it. But I don't know people who are into that. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd. It was all the rage back in the 70's. Now people do restaurants or eat takeaway.

Jane said...

I have another procedure next Tuesday and I can't wait. Pat, I don't know if you have the same thing done as what I have, but I also have 5 (or it might be 6) people in that cold ass room with me. There is one that stays at my head, there is the dr. and his sidekick----I don't know what he does. There are 2 nurses and I think one moved around something that looked like a small x-ray with a screen. I really don't know for sure what all they do because I am face down and there is a pillow under my belly. (Now put that in your mind's eye---not a pretty sight!) All I know is I don't feel anything and for that I am glad----but I sure feel it when it wears off.

I would love some eggplant lasagna. I did some fried eggplant in the oven and it was nasty. If your going to fry eggplant then you have to use oil---no calorie savings there. But I like it best cooked with some onion and a small amount of g.m.

I hope crabbie is having a nice time. Did he hold the raccoons yet?

Jane said...

I've been watching the new series on amc called Preacher. It is wild and I think it might be good. One thing really caught my attention. On the first episode, Tom Cruise blew up. I figure any show that had Tommy Boy blown up, had to be good. There's also an Irish vampire named Cassidy. And some really good music every now and then.

If you see it on and you have nothing else to do, give it a try===it's hilarious.

Jane said...

Well, it seems that people can no longer gather in large crowds anymore w/o the fear of being shot. I was so sad to see the news of the shooting at the nightclub in Orlando. I can only imagine the trauma of the people waiting to hear about or from their loved ones. I really hate the shape of the world today. Maybe I shouldn't say HATE. That seems to be the whole problem----too much hate!

Unknown said...

We'll they don't shoot people out of love. It's terror. Islamic terror in this case. Sometimes it is mentally ill people but usually Islamic terror.

Unknown said...

Woke up to the news and first of all thought it was just your standard American massacre, I think, globally, we've become used to those. But 50 people dead because of a homophob who has aligned himself with a murderous group who's sole objective is to rob people of their freedom, that's just too awful. I feel so sad. But I also feel fear because I get the sinking feeling that Trump will use this to create more divisions and hatred amongst Americans, it's going to be the best thing that ever happened to him.

Dirty Disher said...

I am sorry, that's to those of you who frequent here. I can't seem to get on everyday to delete the troll. I'll try harder, but, I've been so busy. Lissa is gone right now, she's visiting a relative, so I should have a bit more time. Know that I appreciate you and that Lis safe. I always know where she is. She isn't allowed to run amock, except on FaceBook. It's a compromise.

Wen your spine is injured and that injury is causing pain, you will get pockets of infection. The infection is treated with steroids and other meds in the epidural. I get so sick of trolls who think they have a medical degree. The stupidity of our troll is the only thing that irritates me. Why can't we get a smart, amusing troll? Nope. We get a shit talking MO-ron.

Unknown said...

People in the US who live on the west coast don't have the same perspective as people on the east coast. To east coasters Europe is not so far, while west coaters have double the milage. The politics and perspectives are very different. To people in my state, any republican is a bad thing. But believe me, Trump is not the problem here. The perspective of those living outside the country is much different than even the perspectives of those inside it. We are badly fractured, but Trump phobia is unlikely to bring the country down. Those living in England often go to northern Africa, Spain, Egypt for vacation. Where I live that would be a one trip of a lifetime. Our perspective are partly a factor of geography. I have to fight off a fear of liberals because most of the ideas seem nuts to me. But the country hasn't gone down a rathole totally despite the rule for years of liberals. So I think we will be ok.

Jane said...

Pat, you don't owe us anything. When you are on, you are on. You can't spend your days looking out for trolls. We should just ignore "it". But sometimes that is hard to do. Troll is "stupid" and I really hate stupid. Especially when someone chooses to be that way.

Unknown said...

I think the troll is starting to show signs of such a massive psychotic episode that an intervention will become necessary. Hopefully then the troll will get the treatment it so clearly needs. Enjoy your life Pat! I'm stuck in bed with a nasty cold, winter in Melbourne :-(

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