Since I now know that one of the main trolls was someone I took into my own home and tried to help, Ihave to rethink this blog. Oh, I know he isn't the only one, but, he is the most vile. So, I have an idea. I want a new blog. I don't want to be the blog police. I know a spot, not too fancy, but, free AND it gives the IPs and allows blocking. It would also allow YOU guys to make posts about anything you want and post your own photos. Anyone interested in a new forum?
You won't be there, troll.
Yes, I'll go.
Suck a diseased cunt trolls
Yep. I still come here, but I don't often comment because of the trolls. I would be up for continuing the blog in another format and just seeing how it goes.
An eternal optimist,
The troll is panicking because we will know and block.
Damn! Tell me where.
I AM setting it up now. When I finish, it will look familiar, but, YOU can post your own posts and photos and I won't be the only one making posts. It will also have moderators and yes, I know who you are. No abuse will be tolerated at all. ONE insult is all trolls get and then their IPs will be banned. It will be such fun and a relief to me not to have to run this show. I will be so happy to log on and see new posts from YOU guys. Oh, and mods will be anyone I trust and know. I know most of you well. I hope to be up and running soon.
Aww trollys are sad. Boo hoo
You retard
Sounds like a good idea Pat.
I'll follow you to a new site, I've been following off and on for a few years, ever since your LambsQuarterGardens days....
Looks like I missed some drama :)
Was going to log on and ask you about transplanting items from my garden, but looks like you have your hands full right now.
Great idea, Pat! Too bad about Crabbie- I totally get it, I had one of my daughters boyfriends here in the basement. It lasted 2 weeks, the amount of time time it took him to not find a job and fucking sleep till 2:30 everyday.
I don't get how any man thinks this is acceptable behavior. In MY FUCKING home.
We live and we learn. Too bad he didn't have enough dignity to respect your home and kindness.
be happy to follow you elsewhere.
I'm sorry crabbie took advantage of your kindness.
Everyone has times in their lives when they need to close the door to the past and start afresh. With that said, I think a new blog is a great idea, Pat.
There is that, yes.
Katy, there is no more Facebook group. They disbanded for some reason.
LOL Great news. This poor troll is posting away because he knows he is dying. Fucking loser. Happy for you Pat.
BILL! Wanna be a mod? You can block trolls, it'll be fun.
So anyone who calls you out on being the evil cunt you are is branded a "troll?" In that case, may a swarm of trolls run riot over your new blog and lay waste to it all over again. You don't deserve any sort of internet presence, you despicable bitch.
Great ideal. I love reading your blog and seeing all you furry critters. And I won't have to read a trolls bull.
Karen from il.
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