Monday, January 22, 2007

Who wears the worst wig?

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Celeb Warship made my day with this hilarious photo of Beyonce's icky wig. It's a toss up on who wears the worst wigs..Beyonce or Britney Spears.

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Now if you tossed Tyra Banks in the stank wig contest, there might be some real competition. These three bimbos are held together with inflated egos and broke ass wig glue.


DeveiveneG said...

At first glance, I was going to say Beyonce b/c her wigs/weave are usually "shiteous" <---to quote Perez, lol, I hate him but I love him. Remember that rat's nest/monster on her head for the VMAs a few years back when she descended from the ceiling...NASTY. But, I scrolled down and thar she blows...Britney Spears. She needs to either stay at home or find a new stylist/hairdresser.

Anonymous said...

I think Britney lets Jessica Simpson do her wigs. (devil smile)

Dirty Disher said...

I think Beyonces looks like fresh cement pressed into a chain link fence. Only not as smart.