Thursday, March 15, 2007

Would you buy fashion from this woman?

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You probably said yes, like I did when I first heard Sarah Jessica Parker was going to have a fashion line. BUT, the Bitten line will NOT include the stuff she wore on Sex And The City. The label will include jeans, lingerie, casual wear and accessories priced from $7.98 to $14.98.

You and I are both smart enough to know you can't even get decent lingerie for under 15 bucks. This will be crap, I guarantee it. I'm past the point in life where I want a 15 dollar night gown, unless it's really a 200 dollar night gown at a consignment shop. Seriously. 15 buck clothes? That's less than the dollar store, and you know we don't dress from there. What is she thinking? I may be cheap and poor, but, I'm not desperate. The only thing I can say about SJP is, she's a bit rough, but, she still looks better than Donatella. Orange is the new 15 dollar color.


Anonymous said...

Isn't she the daughter of Ruth Buzzy from Laugh-In? There is certainly a strong resemblance.
I know, that wasn't nice.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL! Not nice, but, funny!

Anonymous said...

lol they only piece of clothing I'm guilty of buying at the dollar store are cute socks. I'm wearing a pair os $1 socks right now. As far as clothing goes, I don't buy any celeb clothing line, usually thay are cheaper made than Kmart. Have you seen those J-Lo clothes? Those have the worst finish and the work looks cheap. The Wet Seal has way better looking clothes.