Bloggers everywhere are saying Britney pimped out her toddler, Sean P. for sympathy yesterday by taking him on a shopping trip. I ususally read everyone else's opinion and report my own. Most of the time it's different than theirs..but, this time I know the shit slinging is right and well deserved. Britney knows full well that Robertson Blvd is where all the paps hang out looking for stars. Her actions are so deliberate in the midst of all the court battles and the kid was just unhappy at all the attention. The only thing I disagree with is calling that kid Sean P. Good grief, haven't we seen enough pics of this twat to know that's Jayden James? Actually, who knows? They're both the same size now and look like twins. As for her disgusting habit of sucking his binky..I'm not even sure that's his. She has her own binky she sucks even when the kids are with their dad. She's just a fruitcake and a waste of film at this point.
Note: Shout out to Splash News who have been very good to me and let me use their photos. Thanks SN!
Can she just never stay at home, ever? She is such an attention whore. If I lived in her fabulous home, I'd effin' never leave!!!
She's not even buying anything, looks like she's just out to be seen, like everyone's saying. She should at least fix herself up before going out & comb thats childs hair & bathe him. He probably dropped his binky & she's 'cleaning' it with her mouth. That doesn't work Brit.
Of course she would act like the doting mommy AFTER the fact .. get over it bitch, your losing those boys.
i think that all of this is just her trying to keep her heard above water...she is doggie paddling as fast as she can...but the water just keeeeeps rising.
Love the shoes. What will this style maven dazzle us with next?
winter shoes & its not even fall yet
i love her shoes, and i think she has great legs, boys are adorable.
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