Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cwazee punkin' head

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I tried to tell her the history of the holiday, but, all she knows is..pumpkins kick monsters butts and candy is expected. Okay, I'm done for the day. Remember..if you don't have anything nice to say, you're probably in the right place. :)


Anonymous said...

She's too damn cute, looks ornery as can be too :-D

Barb said...

She is adorable! Makes me jealous. Wish I had a grandbaby!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

She's absolutely adorable ;) I love red heads , they run in my family but so far only blondes :(

with love said...

Cutie pie!!! Looks like she has your personality! :D

Anonymous said...

Thats my nieciepoo. I love her

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet, DD.

Major Majormajor said...

She is too cute...and I love the red hair! (Yeah, mine's from a bottle) In a few years she'll be saying, "DeMaw, did you know it used to be called All Hallows Eve?" I got the rundown yesterday while we were grocery shopping.

Anonymous said...

She's a doll baby!!


Anonymous said...

She's as cute as always... and yup she's got DD's sense of humor (often on the dark side lol) and DD's strenght too..the little pumpkingirl is a fighter...
Hugs Lissa...
p.s. @ Caseyj... she's your real niece but my adopted one... :)

Anonymous said...

I think I wanna pinch her!! she's too cute!!

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww ty. We think she's pretty cute too. Her favorite word is monster but she says "bodeau"..I don't know why, she can say M's just fine, but, monsters are always Bodeau's. If you want to brag about your kid here, send me pics and I'll post them happily.

Anonymous said...

she is the cutiest. I just love seeing any picture of her.


Anonymous said...

What a lil cutiepie.