Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres losing it

There is a film clip on TMZ tody of Ellen breaking down in tears over that damn dog deal. Ellen and Portia adopted a dog from Mutts and Moms and the dog didn't work out for them. So Ellen gave the dog to her hairdresser for her little girl. That was a breach of the adoption contract and they came and took the dog away from the cying kid. Ellen is just losing it and broke down on camera sobbing.

Jeeez..here's the deal. Ellen broke the contract. Just have the hairdresser go adopt the damn dog herself. I agree, if you can't trust Ellen, you probably can't trust anyone, but, she can't just give the dog away because she's Ellen. This is such a stupid drama..I'm so sick of it. Stop crying over a dog who is perfectly fine and just do things the right way. It's not like you just found out your child is disabled or your mom just died, Ellen. It's a freekin' dog and it's your own fault.


Anonymous said...

I never figured Ellen for a drama queen must be menopause kicking in. She broke the contract and you are absolutely right the person she gave the dog to should have re-adopted the dog in her own name.

Anonymous said...

why can't Ellen give her dog to anybody she feels would give it a suitable,loving home? I don't get it. Thats stupid to me. She was trying to be nice & is getting trashed for it. That organization sucks. They just want even more money!

Anonymous said...

Lesbians are so melodramatic.

Anonymous said...

Publicty! Publicity! For the dog place! Sing it!

Unknown said...

A contract? I thought after you adopt the pet is yours???? Wow I guess not! If a critter does not adjust in my household don't you think I should have the right to give it to someone who will take proper care of it? Or do you have to do a title transfer like a piece of property? geez it's too confusing. Poor dog treated like a ping pong ball.

Anonymous said...

It's so they can re-sell the damn dog over & over again. It's a cash hound!

Anonymous said...

Bichon Frise's are the drama queens!!! I understand why she didn't keep it. Such divas!

J said...

A lot of oragnizations do some pretty serious screening of potential adopters. Sometimes it even seems ridiculous. But the point is, there was a contract, there were rules, and she didn't follow them. The organization probably does things this way so people who can pass the screening can't adopt pets and then turn around and give them to unfit people. Which sounds pretty stupid but doesn't change the fact that the rules have to be followed - even if you're Ellen.

Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

Ok I feel bad for her because she felt she was doing the right thing and giving the dog to a good home, I think she feels bad because of the children.
In recent Oklahoma news regarding animals, they closed down a place that sold tattoo'd fish it appears to be illegal to tattoo a fish, NOW fine shut the place down do not sale the fish but guess what they did to the fish after taking them away from the owner....they euthinized them.


Dirty Disher said...

Why the fuck would you tattoo a fish???

Anonymous said...

So are queers like you Crabbie !

Anonymous said...

The ASPCA does the same thing, you arent allowed to give the dog away, if you dont want it anymore you are required to surrender it back to them.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin A folks, quit being stupid. Its a dog. I am sure Ellen was trying to do the rightthing. Anoher social group trying to control everything has to get upset.

Eva said...

She also broke down when the dog didn't fit her?
Anywayzz they often whine 2 much instead of being glad the animal is taken care of (in a good way :) )

Anonymous said...

Just because a contract says something doesn't mean it's enforceable!!
Under the law, a pet is personal property. Just because they call it an "adoption" doesn't mean the animal is treated like a child under the law. Think of it this way: after you buy something like a shirt, a book or a car, you have the right to give it away or sell it to anyone you want, correct? Nobody has the right to limit your control over your personal property. As far as I know, the only legal limitations on treatment of pets is in animal cruelty statutes. I doubt that giving an animal to a good family would constitute cruelty.
I have had my two dogs for eleven years now, and they are like children to me. If for some awful reason I were incapacitated and couldn't take care of them anymore, I would give them to someone I really trust. If the breeder or shelter where I originally "adopted" my dogs tried to take my dogs instead, it would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?
I understand that animal shelters put non-transfer clauses in contracts to protect the animals from ending up in bad places. But from a legal standpoint, I doubt the non-transfer clause is enforceable.
That being said, I think it was stupid and inappropriate for Ellen to use her show to handle this matter. She should have known what a sh*tstorm it would cause. And the people who run the shelter are idiots for being so stubborn.