Sunday, October 14, 2007

Gweneth Paltrow's Hampton place

Gweneth designed her Hamptons house herself and says "I've become an encyclopedia of design for my friends."
Yep, you are a freekin' genius Gweneth. How in the world did you come up with putting matching vases of blue fowers at the ends of your cardboard sofa?? My, Gawd! It must have taken years to finish the place. Can you say anal?


Anonymous said...

That place looks so very childish.

Dirty Disher said...

Yep, it looks like a knock off Barbies house.

with love said...

The bed is scary, with the curtains open I'd feel like I were in a casket or small bathroom...too confining for me.

Miss Tia said...

the 2 flower vases do not have the EXACT same arrangements...the one of the right looks a little sloppy! OH NO GWENETH!!! hurry get them perfect good housekeeping is a the door....hurry.......don't let a thing be out of place...........

and where's the toys in her kid's room?? oh wait, i am sure apple only reads and toys are just too 'common' for her...

i really dislike gweneth platitudes...

Anonymous said...

Anal much. I like the living room though.

Unknown said...

I hate a place that looks like nobody lives in. She has toddler fer cryin out loud!!!!! Where's the little tonka trucks? the fuzzy teddy bears? shoes? headless barbies? geez there should be things allll over the place!!!! or does she keep them kids in a separate house with the nannies? Looks too cold and to big. That house may have expensive cardboard furniture but it lacks the coziness of the family's love.

Anonymous said...

Isn't her marriage in trouble? Is Chris even still living with her? I like Gwyneth waaay better than Madonna, whom I hate. They both think they are English now & that pisses me off. But Madonna is the biggest snob-fake-bitch on the earth. Gwyneth should steal Brad when they make that new movie t'gthr. You all know Angie & those orphans will be on set 24-7!

Anonymous said...

That living room pic looks like a QVC set! LOL

Jess said...

I think it's pretty, but maybe only because it's such a change from the mismatched furniture pigsty I live in now.

Anonymous said...

"headless barbies"...LMAO..yep.
