Monday, October 22, 2007

Hilary Duff on baby raisin'

Duff tells Hollywood Life magazine, “I remember when all that stuff came out (about Britney Spears) about her not strapping her baby in the car seat right. I was just like, ‘Leave her alone.’”
“My mom said to me, ‘Do you know how many times I dropped you on your head or let you fall off something accidentally?’ It just happens.”
Ohhhhhhhh, so that's what happened. Drop a kid on it's head enough and it grows up and thinks it's a rock star. That explains everything.


with love said...

That picture is AMAZING, she looks SO beautiful!

Dirty Disher said...

Well, I never said she was fug..just lame.

Anonymous said...

She has a dirty smelly look to her, like she has B.O. and instead of washing it, covers it up with designer imposters body spray

Anonymous said...

That certainly explains her utter retardedness.

Anonymous said...

Better looking than fuglyass WITH LOVE that is for SURE!

Anonymous said...

Gawd, so stop it with the personal attacks on here. You suck whoever you are. You suffer from very low self esteem yourself & need attention. It's stupid to post a comment like that & remain anonymous too. Put your name out there, fair is fair! & Hil looks amazing. She's OK by me. At least she's not preg with Joel Madden's fugly kid! Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Gawd, so stop it with the personal attacks on here. You suck whoever you are.

Suck it bitch

Anonymous said...

No Anon, you are not right, I think Joel and Nicole's baby will be adorable !

with love said...

Yeah I agree, post a picture of yourself up so I can ridicule your every imperfection. Some people are incredibly LOW!

Anonymous said...

I have a 12 inch cock

Anonymous said...

I have a 2" clit