Friday, October 19, 2007

Hunter Tylo's son drowns

*The body of Michael Tylo Jr., 19, was found fully clothed on Wednesday night in the pool behind his mother's Las Vegas-area house.*

It is thought that the young man went outside to use his cell phone and had a siezure and fell in the pool. Hunter (star of "The Bold and the Beautiful") was in LA at the time and is said to be devastated. The cause of death was listed as an accidental drowning. This is so sad. Rest In Peace, young Michael.


Anonymous said...

How utterly devastating. That poor boy... and poor Hunter!

That woman has lived a life just riddled with tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Aww that is awful, I cannot imagine ... did he have epilepsy? poor kid, such a shame.

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. My sympathies go out to this young mans' family and friends. It also sad to lose a life, it's especially tragic when a life ends so young.

with love said...

Thats any loving parents worst nightmare :(

Rest in peace Michael xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh my God....I know what it's like to have a drowning tragedy in the family.....My heart goes out to the Tylo's....

Unknown said...

Light a

Anonymous said...

Poor woman has had some serious hardships and heartbreaks in her lifetime so far. I hope she's able to find some peace and get through things.

Anonymous said...

So very sad to hear this, the family must be devistated.


Anonymous said...

My greatest fear is something tragic happening to my kids, I can't even imagine what it's like to lose a child, my heart goes out to her and her family.

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's so sad. RIP Michael.

Anonymous said...

Is that him in the pic when he was younger? He was a cutie. This story made me cry. My husbands brother drowned when he was 15. A family is changed by this forever.Prayers go out to this family.

leonie said...

hunter my heart goes out for you. my daughter had near drowning in 2004. she was 1 y 3months old she fell into fish pond and was dead for 45 min. she is doing great to day. God showed me he is a life and the accident made me a stronger mother and today i tell all people about my miracle. my son was 4 years old and he saved his sister from the fish pond. Just beleave in GOD and have faith. GOD WILL BE WITH YOU.

leonie said...

Hunter it burned my heart when i read about your son. MY daughter fell into fish pond she was dead for 45min and God gave her an second chance she was 1year and 3 months old accident hapened 3 years ago and her brother saved her. he was 4 years old at that time. the accident made me an stronger mother have faith and beleave in heart go out for you.