Saturday, October 20, 2007

I really hope this doesn't become a trend

Cate Blanchett and Heather Graham in dress's that..what's the term? I don't know. Just pull the damn things up. They look like they need to have some cement blocks under them.


Unknown said...

oh geez....and that's called haute couture? looks like a low fashion blow to me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I personally don't like that look - I don't find it attractive at all but then I am a girl - so who knows.


Major Majormajor said...

Well, I suppose the selling point is that you look like you have 2 sets of boobs instead of 1. Although, personally, I still don't see the logic or appeal of having 2 sets of boobs. Unless you're an inebriated, undersexed frat boy.

Chris said...

I think they both had to do this because they both have that roll of fat between the top of the breast and the armpit. Gross.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, you'd think the least they could do would be auction one set of boobs off for charity...

Anonymous said...

I love it and want to see more of it. Heather Graham has a unique sexy look that I find sexy.

Anonymous said...

What the hell?!?! Do they hook nipples to hold those dresses up??

Anonymous said...

What stylist told them these dresses actually FIT???

It makes them both look out of whack size wise and their chests look droopy and old.

Anonymous said...

Headin' south anyone???

Anonymous said...

2-sided tape does wonders & thats what they all use altho it doesn't seem to be working too well here

Anonymous said...

I must say ... I LIKE THEM!!! Am I wierd???