Monday, October 22, 2007

Ice cream catches up with Britney

That was taken yesterday. Oh, she got her visit with the kids by proving to the judge she had a working telephone. Rolls eyes.


Anonymous said...

Damn if that ain't pretty.

Anonymous said...

Say what you will she's confident about her body to be flaunting it around like she does, even if she herself is insecure emotionally.

Anonymous said...

She's just too retarded to know she's gotten fat and to cover up! She doesn't have the body she could have. She knows that takes work & she's gotten very lazy.

Anonymous said...

she's a joke she was really meant to be a floozy cheap stripper the teen pop stardom just got in the way of all that.

Miss Tia said...

is she pretening to swim with that blue floor there?? wtf?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am pretty sure she would go swimming with a lit cigarette! No doubt Miss Tia! I'm sure she always does actually. You know she does, even when the boys are swimming with her. What a skank. I wish she wasn't always on the blogs, but then who would we talk about! LOL!

with love said...

I think she looks good still, her weight is distributed evenly and shes still curvy instead of bumpy.

Anonymous said...

she doesn't seem to be missinger her boys too much.


Anonymous said...

what IS she doing

Anonymous said...

I dont think she's fat at all, sure, she's not as tiny as she once was, but certainly not fat by any means, at least from what I'm seeing. Her kids are spaced out pretty close to what my boys are and she looks better than I do, thats for sure LOL

Anonymous said...

Britneys hot even if she is a whacko. With Love just wishes she looked half as good !!!