Monday, October 22, 2007

ParAss Hiltons "do"

I don't know, I kind of like it. It covers up her wonkeye. Someone should tell her that diamond fleur de lis is not a 5 balled penis. It'd give her something to ponder before she goes to "danjers" Africa and shows us how smart she is.


with love said...

She looked horrified when she was booed at the Scream awards... I bet she wanted to hide, lol how sad I would have DIED!

Anonymous said...

aww jeez, didn't see that one With Love. BTW-we friends yet? OK...take ur time & think about it.
Paris looks terrible, there she went & did it, she was looking good & had to go & spoil it. She blew off the gorgeous pizza-guy too! Watsamatta? She didn't like his pepperoni? She needs to get a major nozzle job & then we can talk about the hair!

Anonymous said...

I like it a lot better than the old lady hair she was sporting a few weeks ago!!!

Anonymous said...

well at least when she walks into walls, she has an excuse now.


with love said...

Its kinda hard being friends when you're completely anonymous dontcha think? However I like almost anyone anyways, so YES we can be friends lol :D

Unless that is, you were that pyscho anonymous anal buccaneer???

Anonymous said...

That looks like the lead singer of AFI's hairdo.

Anonymous said...

wtf is an anal buccaneer? that makes zero sense.

with love said...

Is someone suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder?

Anonymous said...

with love said...
Is someone suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder?

October 22, 2007 6:47:00 PM PDT

Oh so because you dont like someone, they are a buttfucker? Get a life asshole !

with love said...

You need some meds to treat your clueless disorder ASAP!!!

There was a specific issue in which the poster assumed other identities including my own, and that anon was pyschotic.

I'll dub you 'Pretentious Douche'

Anonymous said...

I'll dub you 'Pretentious Douche'

October 22, 2007 9:51:00 PM PDT

And your name can be ugly fucking whore *yes I saw your hideous pic* who likes to create drama.

Anonymous said...

OK...I've been gone from here since y'day afternoon. Whats all the drama about? & NO! I am not the anal buccanner you mentioned. I don't even get what you are talking about. I don't remember anything about that being on here. So, OK, we will be buds With Love. Whover that is that went off on you needs to calm down. Whats the biggy? This is supposed to be fun not all full of drama & snide remarks to each other. Keep the drama & snide remarks posted about the stupid celebs on here! OK? LOL! Peace-out!
Not anon anymore to With Love,

with love said...

Muah Rox :D

Anonymous said...

Hey with love, whats your REAL name? Since you love to make comments about people posting under ANON - I hardly think you have room to talk since your afraid to put your REAL name in. I've never encountered such a douche in my life.