Monday, November 12, 2007

Ryder and "Gogo"

Goldie Hawn loves being a hot grandma. She says Ryder will say "Gogo, let's talk" and they sit down and have tea and chat. Gogo: "He's quite brilliant."
"We also like to get lime ice cream," Hawn said.
Awww, that's too cute and he's a cute kid, but, his hair bugs me. I know that's superficial and really, I'm sick of the shaved head boy look, like Posh's kids, but, couldn't they cut it a little? Maybe Ryders mom is too busy making out to take him to the barber shop. Well, that was just mean, wasn't it? I need a nice pill.


Anonymous said...

hehehe naw you dont need a nice pill that was funny

Anonymous said...

Gogo is awesome! Love her, who doesn't? Ryder is cute & so what he has long hair? Maybe his inner Snake Plickson is coming out or he wants to be a rocker like daddy? Or he wants to look like Gogo? Who cares anyway. He's loved & cared for by his family.

Anonymous said...

that kid is not cute.


Miss Tia said...

lime ice cream????

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm the *last* person who'd have a problem with long-haired males... but something about this situation with little Ryder just BUGS. It's wayyy past just being "long" at this point.

I think Kate's intentions/motivations in keeping Ryder's hair long were probably innocent and sincere enough -- *initially*-- but the more people reacted and/or had a problem with it-- the more she 'dug in her heels' and determined to let it continue to grow ---all the way to China.

That's my 'take', anyway... and something tells me I'm not far off the mark.

Anonymous said...

If I had to face Goldie's droopy face I'd let my hair grow before my eyes too.

Anonymous said...

the hair length was suppose to be this ritual that they (Goldie) beleived the hair shouldn't be cut before the 2nd birthday - well he is past 2 now, so I don't know what the resasoning is now, but I think it should be cut too.
