18 year old Barron Hilton called his sister, but, ParAss said, no, he had to learn his lesson. What?? My mouth just dropped open. His parents wouldn't come either, so finally his friends bailed him out. They had to put up 2,000 dollars against the bail. WTF is wrong with these Hilton people? Is Barron really a bad seed or what? I don't get it, they have millions and yet, he sat in jail on a DUI and his family ignored him. That's just so wrong and weird.
they let him sit in jail with a DUI and didnt bail him out.. what's wrong with these people
what's wrong with you? He should Sit in jail
the Hilton clan.. useless.
they probably wanted to appear 'harsh' in public---since they were so lax with paris and she turned out to be such a skank....
but i bet they're the ones who gave the money to his 'friends' to bail him out....
Parass is the only child they care about...
I wasn't saying he shouldn't be in jail..I was talking about family. My family would bail my ass out no matter what I did. I'm glad I'm not a Hilton.
I'm kinda on their side. Except they have bailed Paris outta so many predicaments that it seems very lopsided. If thats what they did to Paris then it wouldn't seem so harsh. But his time will go against any time he will be given as "time served" too, so it might help him get out sooner, if he does any time. I am guessing the Hilton's are trying to regain some respect for their parenting skills. Bailing him out would have seemed like they were coddling him for his bad behavior. They will help him out with his legal probs. I really don't think they are bad people.
Her dress looks so cute in this pic. But those tights & shoes suck.
Wow, her feet! Holy crap. Whoppers. She could flatten a small village with those canoes.
Why shouldn't they make him sit and jail to realize what he did? Paris did her time(although it's a fucking joke - but that's what the judge gave her) and now he should do his.
If I was a rich spoiled brat who always got their way, I'd expect mumsy and dadsy to come save me from the rabble. His sister has been bailed out her entire life, and I bet their folks had some miraculous moment of clarity where they realized maybe if they'd helped less, it would've helped more.
I'd have let his happy ass sit in jail--I hope the experience of being in that unpleasant environment will stick with him, and he won't turn out as big of a douche as his sister Paris.
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