Barron Hilton blew twice the legal limit and hit a garage worker. Fernando Pellez, “I was knocked to the ground. The Mercedes lost control as it was turning into the gas station and Barron got out of the car and he was totally drunk and couldn’t walk straight.”
Throw him in his sisters old cell and toss away the keys! Whatever..then go buy his mom, Kathy's, new perfume, which comes in a cool heart bottle and smells like menopause and money..Farkin' A! It's the only secret these people have left.
He looks like a serial killer.
He looks like a little kid to me.
He's not of legal age either. This is bad & that mexican guy is gonna sue their asses. I would too! "Where's my neckbrace"???
Whats up with these people? Invest some of your millions of dollars in a fucking taxi ride!!
Looks like this little skidmark just earned his official "full-blown celebrity" status. Seems in Hollywood, all you need is a "name" and one good DUI or drug bust and you've got street cred for days. Just wait.. he'll probably get offers for feature films now.
And apart from being all of 18 years old, he was arrested on this at 8:30 in the fricken' MORNING! Other than hardcore alkies, who blows *twice* the legal limit at 8:30 AM!??
No wonder Grandpa Hilton decided to leave his zillions to charity. With a screwed up clan like this... who could blame him?
he's 18 years old... he most likely was STILL out from the night before... i know i did it when i was 18. granted, i was not the one behind the wheel.... but the fact that it was 8:30am and he was drunk does not surprise me
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