Friday, April 18, 2008

Milo Ventimiglia does not understand holidays

Milo bad last name, the boy friend of annoying Hayden PantyLiner is planning on giving both Hayden and her mother a Mothers Day gift and he's stumped to come up with something that will impress both of them.
This bone head obviously doesn't understand the holiday. Who's child was Hayden instrumental in raising? I can't wait to see what he gives her for Washington's Birthday..maybe a cool set of wooden teeth or a hatchet.


Anonymous said...

"Bone head". LMFAO!!! Good one! Who gives their gf, very young gf a Mothers Day gift? He's gonna look like an ass if he does. He doesn't even need to give her mom anything, it's not like they are engaged or married. That makes him look desperate or very needy. It doesn't impress the mom either. Trust me, it makes them look lame-o. Like an ass kisser. It doesn't work dude.

Anonymous said...

lol talk about sucking up to perhaps the future mother-in-law?
