Friday, April 18, 2008

New book explains plastic surgery to kids

"Mommy, will your nose light up like Operation?"
"Of course it will you annoying little fuck, that's why daddys paying the big bucks!"
Every kid in LA will need a copy of this.


Anonymous said...

Is this a new LA school district text book for Kindergarten? This is the maybe the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life. Wow, thats depressing to know it even exists. Like My Mommy isn't beautiful already? What kid thinks that? None!!!!! The guy that wrote this is a dick.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to email you this link. It's scary.

Anonymous said...

that'll teach little girls good self-esteem...grow up and get whatever you don't like replaced/fixed and you'll still feel empty inside...

Anonymous said...

As usual, MissTia is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Now, see, this would have helped me a LOT when my mother had her first of many plastic surgeries when I was around 8. She had her eyes done. But the doctor botched it, and she could never close her left eye properly afterward. My sisters and I would come into her room when she was asleep, and she would have one eye open - freaked the shit outta us.