Friday, April 18, 2008

Watch this clip and make yourself feel better about your kids

I don't watch Real Housewives of New York City but I loved this clip of one of thems bratty kid. They take this kid to a specialist to see why he's a turd. Here's my worthless opinion..he's a turd because most kids are turds and they push your buttons for sport. I'm familiar with turd-isim, but, you can't let them destroy a friends dinner. OMG..these parents are nuts, but, the kid is pretty normal. Watch it HERE.
BTW, when Americans name their kid Francois and put a belt on him announcing he's "Trouble" they get what they deserve.


Anonymous said...

brat but its the parents fault for allowing it to continue. I would have gotten a smack on the arse right then and there when i was a kid if i dared destroy someones dinner.

Anonymous said...

I actaully watched this series from the start - it was very entertaining. His parents were a strange very codependent couple - I bet they have rope burns on their hands from the social climbing. I would LOVE to see what their credit card balances are. They were a couple of people with middle class incomes trying to play in NYC society.


Anonymous said...

Yes! it's the parent's fault BUT! We all will have to clean up the messes. whether you are in education or you're just a regular tax paying, American. I say this because these kids will or already do need all these Special Programs ect. paid for by you & me. Most of them will end up in Jail because their self entitled parents passed on the narcissistic attitude, that the world owes them something.

Spay/Neuter or require a License to reproduce. Otherwise, R.I.P, America.

Major Majormajor said...

They are all a bunch of pretentious snobs. The one dark haired lady who keeps complaining probably has other people raising her kids anyway.
And who brings kids to a dinner party? If I don't have a (close relative) baby sitter, I stay at home and have take-out.
@anon 9:26
Ummm.... these kids will never be in "tax payer programs" or going to jail. They will be given a pass by attending private school and another pass by being bailed out of trouble by parents or grandparents.

Anonymous said...

is that some new york trend? giving kids european names? franciose and johanne? whats the deal?