Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Courtney Love might be crazy

From Courtney's goofy blog..
"Due to a lawyer without power of attorney illegally signing $2.2 million in checks when I was in the UK,everything he signed was 85 per cent fraud. Then, out of spite, his friendoverpaid my taxes by about 400 per cent. So nexttime the NYC Attorney General calls, I’m happy to speak to him myself. As I understand it he was dismissed by my former lawyer."
“I don’t get that guy’s motivation, forcing me to sign tax returns I knewwere illegal or pay down ‘diversions’ that are exactly the same amount as abusiness manager’s phoney corporation. Why? Why take an already complicated situation and fuck it up even worse? To break me? Because I’m worth nothing more than Kurt’s publishing? Which they’ll get over my dead body.“No lawyer on this earth will agree that your criminal lawyer is by law allowed to write your contracts which include him wetting his beak at 175kfor every deal you make! Toxic man.“My police report for $2.4 million is filed and public now. “Is anyone’s daddy a fraud lawyer? Forensic? A great Washington lawyer simple and plain and a winner?”
“I am the champ, by the way, my FBI guy said in 28 years in law enforcement he’s never seen personal embezzlement or even embezzlement at this level, ever.”
If you can wade through all that bullshit, and good luck to you, she's saying she's been ripped off for millions again. She said the same thing back in March about someone who was handling her dead husbands estate money. Either she's the unluckiest celeb in the world or she's nuts. You figure it out. She could sell those dolls, I recognize them. They're French and the ones I could never afford in a million years..now I wouldn't want them because she probably talks to them and they're all insane now. The kind of dolls who will knife you in your sleep. I love how she begs her readers to find her legal help. Nutzo.


Anonymous said...

yep, she's insane....and that's HER karma for having kurt killed! lock this cunt up in the nut hut...

ooooooo....is it karma story day on the dirty disher???

Anonymous said...

I think that plastic surgeons have cut her face up so deeply, that they dug out part of her brain. The sad stiry behind this modern day Yoko Ono is Francis Bean's legacy. She lives in a world where clearly stability, nurturing, and sensibility are void. Courtney lives in fantasy land, maybe if we are lucky someone will sue her for defamation and we will get the court documents to shed light on her delusions. If this is Karma I hope she lives for 100 more years.

Anonymous said...

Huh? Are you guys actually backing the legal profession over their clients?

Lawyers are some of the most crooked people on earth - power corrupts - and they can get away with things only other lawyers have the background to catch.

Just because she's a little crazy (go Courtney!) doesn't mean she wasn't ripped off!

And telling the world about it doesn't make her crazy. I don't blame her for griping.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:22...I am with you. & miss tia...kurt would have sooo been dead regardless of how you feel about his wife/widow. He was plunging headlong into death with drugs. She has nearly died numerous times. Drugs kill. If she had a part in it I doubt it was deliberate. There is no prrof, only specualtion and theories. Just like Elvis, it just keeps her bank account overflowing, so keep spewing the theories guys! She is spending it all & apparently so are her lawyers. I hae lawyers, if you've ever been ripped off by one, I have, he was disbarred. You feel no sympathy for their troubles.

Anonymous said...

I don't hate Courtney but I suspect she might be a little nuts. Not sure that she killed Kurt but come on someone did! Check out http://www.cobaincase.com and http://www.justiceforkurt.com

Dirty Disher said...

Just for the record..Kurt had some serious stomach problems and the pain could be unbearable. I'm not saying I know what happened. I'm just saying, he'd said he wanted the unbearable pain to end and it's a theory.