I didn't write that on Pete's photo. John Mayer did, I think it's a wee dig at Perez. Okay, I KNOW it is. But, anyway, John tells Pete he admires his talent and mostly the fact that he's a good person. John says he'll be there for Pete anytime. John Mayers blog..my guiltless pleasure.
Oh, I love how John throws this unrelated tidbit in.."Isn't it weird when you're alone in your hotel room and the ice in that bucket melts, shifting it all and making it sound like someone's hiding in your closet? That always gets me. Sorry."
Maybe John feels for Pete knowing he has to hang with Poppa Joe all the time! He feels his pain.
Monkey Boy! He needs a cup, a cap & an old organ grinder & he's set. Oh...I forgot, Joe is the old "organ" grinder in that family! LOL!
That was probably the biggest waste of space I've ever seen here.
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