Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kingston turned two

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale threw a birthday bash for Kingston and his little friends on the beach in Malibu yesterday. It was over the top, like most celeb baby parties, but, it looked fun. They had an inflatible jump room, farm animals to pet and ponies to ride. Guests included Harlow Madden, Cruz Beckham and Max Bratman (son of X-Tina.)


Anonymous said...

and i'm sure the adults had chilled champagne and there was a special area for nannies! :)

big birthday parties for kids under the age of 4 or 5 are for the parents, not the kids...

Anonymous said...

why did they name their poor kid after a low-quality ram-stick vendor?

Anonymous said...

The kid in the middle has that Jimmy Page look!. Man he's a rocker for sure.

Anonymous said...

Miss tia is right on! I'm sure the parents enjoyed the party, while the Nannies watched the kids. But these photo ops are more natural tha brangelina's. I don't see anyone changing their clothes in public.

Anonymous said...

I hope they had champagne! All those crying babies, everybody needed a drink! I love Gwen and Gavin & Kingston is a doll. Looks just like his handsome dad. Sounds like Suri was left out? Not her crowd? She's not into rockers? Her loss.

Anonymous said...

"The kid in the middle has that Jimmy Page look!. Man he's a rocker for sure."
That "kid in the middle" is Kingston Rossdale. And he's a ringer for his "gorge" Daddy!

He's going to be one helluva little heartbreaker on the playground.