Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Nick is Mariah's assistant

Oh, I love this story..Mariah Carey treats her new husband like he works for her. She makes him carry her bags, orders him around, makes him escort her to the bathroom and wait outside the door like he's security. Of course he's her assistant. Gawd. Everyone in the world is Mariah Carey's assistant. The only reason to have a population at all is to have Mariah Carey staff. Wise up.


Anonymous said...

you mean he doesn't go into the bathroom with her to pat her dry after she pees???? wiping yourself is just sooooooooo 'mere mortal'...she best step up her diva game...

Anonymous said...

I give this marriage 9 mos. to a year and that is stretching it!

Anonymous said...

for what he's going to walk away with in cash and prizes, I'll wipe her butt for a few months!