Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What could be worse that Living Lohan?

I'll tell you what. Denise Richards It's Complicated. Nope, it aint complicated at all, Denise. You are a boring, shallow, foul, self involved fool who raises pigs for no reason. Denise lets the pigs shit in her kitchen and the dogs eat the pig shit. The pigs shit in the kitchen while her dad, who is nothing but her live in babysitter, is trying to fix dinner for her children. Denise talks about how she likes bad boys with big dicks and eveyone is "up her ass." I don't know what that's about, but, up her ass is her fav saying. This show sucks pig corkscrew. Boring!


Anonymous said...

OMG! Thats foul. Isn't there some kinda health code violation going on there? Cooking, pig shit, dogs eating pig shit, children living in the home also.?? EW! I will never watch this poison. & she wants us all to feel sorry for her? No wonder Charlie divorced her! I bet he feels validated this morning, saying "I toldja, didn't I?"

Anonymous said...

And suddenly everybody started loving Charly.

After the next episode expect an angry mob burning her on a stake.

(I would pay to see that!).

Or even better - some 'Vlad Dracul life re-enactment' staring Denise impaled on a ten feet pole before being roasted still alive. She likes big dicks? How about one that can fill her from cunt to mouth?

Anonymous said...

there's not one big enough to fill that crevice. It's like the Grand Canyon! Thus her dreams of being ful"filled" will have to be just dreams.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...and guys like small vaginas. So, get lost whore. Like Stewie Griffin said to a prostitute "So...is there any traction left on the tires, or would it be pretty much like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?"

Anonymous said...

yeah, i agree with anon 7:57, that has to be a health code violation...i hope charlie uses that against her to try to get those girls away from her!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Stewie Griffin quote. Im always amazed with what the writters get away with on that show.

Disgusting doesnt cover the pigs in the kitchen buisness. Who will ever want to have dinner at her home again after that. Gross.