Thursday, May 22, 2008

You should feel sorry for Denise Richards

Denise Richards changed her "Charlie" tattoo to a fairy (har dee har Denise)..she claims Kat Von D did it, but, the work looks pretty sad to me. You can still read "Charlie" through the wing. Maybe Richards has an actual cat named Von D and she put ink on it's widdle paws and made it jump up and down on her leg?
Anyhow that's not why you should feel sorry for poor Denise. We should all feel bad that she has to put her children on a reality show to make ends meet. She told Larry King she has to make some cash to support her daughters. She's the greatest single mom in the world! No one can live on $52,000 a month in child support and another $60,000 a month in alimony from cheapo Charlie Sheen. My Gawd, I'm surprised poor Denise can even buy groceries and gas her luxury SUV up on that! Let's all cry with her.


Anonymous said...

She didnt seem so Mommy of the year when she was tooting snow with Richie at the beach. She came between a couple with a young daughter (Heather and Richie have Ava), what Mother does that?. I never thought she was particularly smart or even that hot, but her attitude and lack of class and talent really prevent me from even glancing at the TV if her show is on. Charlie keeps saying that she did e-mail him asking for his sperm so she could have one more baby. MAybe she should call Emilio, he'd be happy to come out of the dark.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic ho-bag.

And that TAT! NO f'n WAY is KVD responsible for that atrocity. She should SUE Denise for saying so.

Either way, I'm always amazed at how often people get tatted with their S.O.'s name, etc... cuz it's bound to fail sooner or later. They all do... the celebrity ones anyway.
I say, if you're going to get the tat, be prepared to LIVE WITH IT for life... a'la Dave Navarro. It may be part of your past, but it's part of you nonetheless.

And if ya just can't live with it, augment it in some witty way rather than attempt a cover-up with something bound to be much more conspicuous.

Dirty Disher said...

The face looks like Homer Simpson.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you can totally see the charlie

gawd is this woman nuts...i live on $683 a MONTH...that's probably her lunch money...can we send her to the ghetto???

Anonymous said...

when I saw her for the first time (in Starship Troopers) I instantly hated her. I hated her so much, I wanted to see her die. I wanted to put her with spread legs on an anthill. I wanted to beat all the fakeness out of that allways smiling bitch.

It is good that my first impression was right. Charlie should have drowned her like a bag of kittens.

Anonymous said...

fuck her

Anonymous said...

the instructions say to use warm water and remain still or the tattoo won't turn out right, clearly states to ask mom or dad for help...