Not only did they interview Ms. Trailer Trash , but, they have a picture of Casey shlurping her busted brick face like a mentally retarded St. Bernard. I thought it couldn't get worse until In Touch confirmed this puke fest by interviwing none other than Jason Alexander (Brit's first husband) who says: "Kelli and Casey have been a couple on and off for a few years. They were a really tight couple, but I think it was hard for Kelli, having Jamie Lynn in the picture."
I'm booking a ticket to Buttfuck Loo-eeeseana and I am going to personally drive a stake through that stump humping wagon wheel loving hound dog fucking retarded piece of redneck shit and pound his fame hungry ass so hard they'll have to bury him in Skoal can. I'm on my way, Jason, you dildo cocksucker. Jason Alex-pile-licking-I-got-Britney-drunk-and-married-her-for -five lousy-minutes-and-I'm-still-running-my-dog-testicle-breath-country-no-name-goat-fucking-ass-Ander.
I'm booking a ticket to Buttfuck Loo-eeeseana and I am going to personally drive a stake through that stump humping wagon wheel loving hound dog fucking retarded piece of redneck shit and pound his fame hungry ass so hard they'll have to bury him in Skoal can. I'm on my way, Jason, you dildo cocksucker. Jason Alex-pile-licking-I-got-Britney-drunk-and-married-her-for -five lousy-minutes-and-I'm-still-running-my-dog-testicle-breath-country-no-name-goat-fucking-ass-Ander.
Chill dude.
but gee, recall the rumor that it wasn't casey's baby but the baby of an older exec on the zoey show??? if that is true, then i wouldn't blame casey for fucking around....
That dude is lower than trash. He needs to worry about his own life, not the Spears'.
she is gonna give him a disease & then he will give it to JL, if she will ever have him again. I'm with DD. Men like that suck ass, hard and need to be de-balled & de-dicked. and from the looks of him, de-tongued. JL does not need the guy.
Mentally retarded St. Bernard!
HAAA! lmao
C'mon, DD. Don't be shy. Tell us how you really feel about him!
C'mon, DD. Don't be shy. Tell us how you really feel about him!
Big Surprise???????????/ And who cares?????????? Jamie-Lyns fans???? Come on, her career is OVER!!!! You don't get Knocked up @ 16 and retire. This bitch looks 40 and is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more TV time bitch and of course he is trash the whole crew is........
misstia said; but gee, recall the rumor that it wasn't casey's baby but the baby of an older exec on the zoey show???
Here in LA that's not a rumor at all-- it's an established fact.
meh.. sure makes sense in light of the unearthing of Casey's 'piece-on-the-side'.
Sheeit! What do they expect? He's a fuckin' TEENAGER.
Like he's really gonna settle down and play "daddy"... 'specially when the kid's NOT HIS. I have no sympathy for JL or any of these inbred, redneck, swamp-swimmin' lowlifes!
EXACTLY!!!! He IS a teenager! So is she! They know she shouldn't have gotten pregnant, but she did. Don't even ask me why she wasn't on the GD pill! She should have gotten those things long ago! That pisses me off. And her mom knew she was sexually active. Why didn't she ask her if she wanted to go on the pill? JL had no parental guidance about sex. Thats a shame. Yes, they will both have many more partners in their lifetimes. They are not going to stop dating around nor are they going to settle down as was stated prev. They are just getting started in that regard, esp JL! What stupid idiots! Too bad neither of them had a parent with some guts to broach the sex subject and protect their kids. 'Cuz they all knew what was going on.
MissTia as usual is Riiiiight! methinks the Real Baby Daddy isa big wig Hollywood Exec. Methinks this Bi Wig will pay these trailertrash Hillbillies or already has paid them off.
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