The PantyLiners are a happy family despite the fact that he's out on $50 grand bail for punching her in the face yesterday. It was all a misunderstanding. Lesley is happy to have a jacked up face with tox needle marks all over it and no wrinkles and half a shaved off nose and two big fat lips her hubby didn't even give her and Alan is happy to have a frappe bottle filled with Kahlua and Vodka and a starlet daughter who can bail his ass out when he pounds some sense into his disrespectin' wife. And they are all HAP-PEEEE, I tell ya, so stop gossiping about this lovely family and stare at the space between her legs instead.
Not that I condone violence against women or anyone else but there can't be any question that a wife with that much money would find it a lot easier to leave an abusive husband if she was so inclined.
$50 000 seems a lot for a minor assault especially when she is back with him the next day. In Australia you flog your wife and kids and the most they do is tell you to get a restraining order because it is a 'domestic situation'. Least the cops take domestic violence seriously over there even if celebs don't.
I was noticing her skinny legs before you even mentioned it! Hayden does NOT take after her physically. She is a stump big foreheded troll like her bastard woman hitting father. I dunno which is worse? A stumpy troll or a plastic fake face? Not an easy choice. I'll take her long skinny legs tho!
he probably only smacked her cuz he loves her!
"why you make me beat you woman! yous knows i love you"
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