Someone besides Gomer Pile is telling some fibbers lately. Tony Romo's reps issued a statement "Tony does not call Carrie Underwood." So, who do you believe? Better yet, who does Jessica Simpson believe? Jessica is home chewing her Lee's press on's to the quick, eating chicken from the can and asking Daddy if she's still pretty. Carrie Underwood's diabolical plan has her cackling as she gazes into her hour glass at the meat eater..heee heeeeee heeeeeee, little girl!
both chicks are the same type. He doesn't stray off brand much, does he? I don't find him attractive. But if he'd lay his bank book near me while we did it, so I could gaze at it, I'd do him. Same goes for this American Idol chick. Dump his ass Jess! NOW!
Gawd, that sounds like I'd do Carrie Underwood if I could see her checkbook! That was a big "whoops"! I mean, thats why she effed him, no doubt!
carrie underwood won this round...that's pretty diabolical of her to say something like that in an interview to fuck with jessica's head...double points if it's a lie!
Team Carrie! tranny Jessica has Nothing! on Carrie.
Go away Rabbit teeth ( J.S ) You are talentless and Butt ugly.
team underwood!!!!! jessica simpson is so ugly when she sings. has anyone else noticed how she makes the most awful faces when she sings? she's a dumbass!
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