I've been wondering what could be stranger and sadder than Shawna Sands ideal of beauty, making hersef look like a blown out wrestlers roided asshole and actually paying to look like that...then I saw Jay Manuel. People are supposed to be orange and made of wax with Chiclet teeth and spray on eye brows? Trippy. How do these people really see themselves? I'd like to be a gnat in their brain for a minute to understand it, but, there probably isn't room for a gnat in there.
Well, Jay works with Tyra on her show ANTM. So, go figure. he is a freak tho. Silver hair like the tin man? And he's going to tell other ppl how to look good? I don't think so! he seems like he's sorta nice tho.
The chick in the 1st pic, never heard of her, never seen her. She's butt(hole)-ugly tho!
is that a guy in the top pic? A tranny? jay will be happy, next season there is going to be a Tranny on ANTM!
HEY!Whats with the clickers today? When I go to post my comment I don't get the usual pointer thingy. It's one of these things [ sorta. You & Crabbie's site. Whats going on?
This is how he sees himself.
DD...we are having a gnat explosion here right now. It's insane!!! Don't ever say you wanna be a gnat. They are driving me to commit murder! Nothing kills them either! GGGRRRR!!!!!
i wonder if jay dyes his other hairs to match his head? i mean, where his eyeS are....dye job all around??
i think the jay guy has more image issues than shawna....
My guess is that he is waxed and buffed all over ... a full-body 'Brazillian'.
I do love Mr. Jay. He's the slickest most media savvy person I have ever seen operate in my life. He's remarkable.
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