Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hef doing damage control

Holly and her fake tits spent the weekend in Vegas with Criss Angel. Hef had this to say.."She is still my girlfriend. Now will that last? I don’t think anything lasts forever."I love her very much, but you know, she wants very much to get married and have children. That isn’t very much in the cards for me," he adds. "So there has to be a certain reality there. And I’m sure the time will come when she’ll be dating others. That’s part of the transition."
Holly just heard "very much"..she's not leaving unless Hef kicks her to the curb and he could be ready to do that. As for her partying, the girls are allowed to party, but, if they're staying at the mansion, they have to be home alone by 9 pm. That's the rule. Hef needs his sleep.


Anonymous said...

Fake tits, yes; but not a bad boob job. Pam Anderson's and Christina's cleavage sem to be alive because they morph and ripple all the time. i get turned off by implants, especially hard round half basket balls.

Anonymous said...

what is she wearing around her neck? A car key?


with3love said...

Oh my gawd...I wouldn't mind looking like that! After breastfeeding for 4 years of my life...lets just say...nothing.

Anonymous said...

...and the epic saga continues.
I guess life is like a soap opera.

Anonymous said...

jerry likes his italics key, doesn't he? it makes him seem clever-er! LOL...I like having a guy commenting on here. Please don't leave us jerry cass!

Anonymous said...

Jerry's a GUY?

with3love said...

NO Jerry's a girl, Jerry is her man and she is Cass....duh....

Anonymous said...

Did somebody say Jerry's GAY? OMG!

Anonymous said...

I thought Jerry was a man and I didn't get the impression he was gay, based on his posts. But either way, enjoy his comments.