I watch just about every reality show there is because they're on all the time and I like 'em and I don't have to prove anything to anyone by pretending I watch the history channel all day. I like TV...okay? Last night there was an old BPLW on that I'd never seen. The Roloff kids were pretty little in it..I didn't know they'd been on that long. Anyhow..Amy and Matt went out to dinner and Matt's snowing her as usual....that dude is a such a fart sniffer..he could kiss up to Satan himself and have Satan going "Awwww, he's a nice guy, misunderstood." Then Satan would have Matt design a new bridge for the river Styx. Yeah. So Matt takes Amy's hand and says "Amy, never doubt my love for you." And Amy looks him in the eye and says "Yeah, Matt, you're a salesman." She meant it too. She was grinning, but, not an amused grin. A sad and knowing grin. A grin that said "I may have married you, but, I know what's up."
The wisdom of Amy astounds me. Her ballsy attitude amazes me, she never lets anyone fuck with her. Yet, she's never mean. You can't be on TV this much and hide what you are, so Amy's never tried. She is what she is and who she is. This is why if she was on every day, got an even bigger McMansion for free and billions of dollars..I'd stilll root for her. Kate Gosselin fans should take note instead of yelling "JEALOUS" every time I call her a greedy ignorant bitch. Kate can't hide what she is either.
I love Amy. She knows like I do her husband very well. I think she always has his number. She is not pretentious and her kids reflect that in that they attract friends and long-term relationships just like Amy and Matt do. No, Katie Irene, you are not the real deal. Take a look at someone who has truly overcome adversity in these two parents and who are the salt of the earth.
I love Amy too. She's always been my favorite on that show. She's a great person and truly not fake. If Amy was a bitch it would for realz. But I like her, she jumps her own car when it won't start! Think Miss Kate would be doing that? Matt IS a master BS'r! She has got him pegged.
I really can relate to her. She isn't perfect, her house is always disoganized, she gets annoyed with her husband an kids, but she is never a bitch. I love how they do a lot of work for LP, and even one time in Vegas when they were at a convention someone shouted "look at the little people!" And Matt turned to Amy and their friends, and said "isn't that great, they refer to us as little people now." They've dealt with a lot, and seem to appreciate life.
I honestly forget they're little people. To me, it's not about that. So, it shows something more is going on there than a "little people" show.
I love Amy too (wow origina I know :) She just seems to say how she really feels without being mean, putting anyone down, or making anyone really feel bad (sound like someone we all know and well don't like) Yes, she can be a little upfront with Matt but they really seem to love each other and are with each other because they want to be (not for all the stuff). I started watching J&K+8 and have wound up watching LP BW and feeling better doing so (I feel dirty sometimes watching the other show).
emily said- I started watching J&K+8 and have wound up watching LP BW and feeling better doing so (I feel dirty sometimes watching the other show).
Damn. Someone here with a brain. Good for you, emmy.
I like Amy because her house always looks as messy as mine.
I have met her, and she truly is a nice person. She really has a sort of grace about her.
Matt is like an extra kid for her
the kids are dirty SLOBS one show she ran up the stairs her little feet going fast cause her cell phone was ringing ( it was Matt calling from Iran ) her cell was in her pants in the laundry I thought the laundry would fall on top of her and kill her. Those dirty slobs of kids should help clean the house it dangerous for Matt whos on crutches and Amy.
I often thought how dangerous the place seemed with Matt on crutches to have clothes and crap lying around everywhere, even on the stairs. But on the Thanksgiving program the place seemed beautiful and picked up and Amy seemed to be in her glory with all the family and friends around. She was not only cooking, but sweeping the leaves out back and entertaining the guests all at once. I love Amy. She is a role model.
I LOVE their house! I know it's messy. But the new additions they have added on and the quality of the work is top shelf. Designed for the people that live there too. I love the kitchen, it's fab. Even when it's messy, you can tell it's nice. I'm sure it did look great all clean & shiny for turkey day. I will have to catch that on reruns. Love the LP.
That witch Kate couldn't walk in Amy's shoes if they fit her!
I love Amy. She is genuine and loving. The difference between Amy and Kate is that Amy is not a publicity hor like Kate.
Amy, Matt and the children enjoy their life and seek privacy after the cameras are gone.
On the other hand Kate is screaming! HERE I AM, HERE I AM! Kate will eventually get hers. She is nothing but a wanna be! A low class PIG with money!
I saw the same episode. It actually was not an episode of LPBW but a documentary that TLC did that preceded the reality TV show. The popularity of the documentary with both viewers and critics prompted them to create the show. The original docementary was titled Little People, Big Dreams.
See the following for more info. Great (short) read.
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