Officials in Ethiopia have confirmed they are expecting a visit from Brad and Angie this month. Rumor has it they've seen photos of a two year old girl and have fallen in love with her and want to add her to their brood. I love the word brood for these two. How's your BROOOOOOD? Shrugs, when you have a brood, what's one more? Adoptalina can't seem to go six months without a birth announcement. There must be a name for that. Boring. Yeah, that's it. Boring.
She knows well that six months after their latest "addition" the interest in them wanes.
You call it "Boring"? Nahhh.... I call that one "MediaWhore". Pure and simple.
I really hate them. They need to balance the racial thing. Zahara, is after all, the only black face in the family.
Maybe they are trying to get the Josh and Kate space on T.V.
What the hell does it matter that Zahara is the "only black face"? What a racist comment.
When I look at that photo, I wonder how long before all the vitality is sucked out of Brad.....and what she'll do with him when it is. Her type lives forever, right?
Very good idea! It wouldn't matter anyway if there is one or one hundred more kids!
4:34 the whore, herself said that they wanted to adopt another black child to balance the race of the children. That's what i was trying to convey, that adopting a child to balance the racial quota of your family is racist, you moron.
When interest in them fades for good, and sooner or later it will, she will surrender all those kids to the ASPCA.
she seems to have this obsessions to have young children (babies, toddlers). The minute they hit school age she needs to have another. Must be very insecure.
I am really getting so sick of Brad/Angelina that when I see a magazine with them on it I DON'T buy it anymore.
Do you think Angie might be like that Scots woman (I think it was Scots) of old who drank the blood of children so she could theoretically live forever? I think in her case it was young women from the town in which she lived and she was a member of the gentry and so got her way.
@January 8, 2009 6:20:00 PM GST
"Balance the racial quota" - and that's not a racist comment? There's one race, the human race. You're as ignorant as Jolie.
If you wanted to convey a different message, you should have expressed yourself properly. Beyond your capacity though obviously.
^ another idiot on a blog claiming to have superior insight and intelligence. What an ass you are.
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