Angelina Jolie once again has everyone worried about her health. People say she looks too skinny on the set of her new movie
Salt, and now it's been revealed why: according to sources, Angie
has been on an absurd diet called the Master Cleanse that involves ingesting nothing but peppered lemonade. Angie allegedly used this to get in shape for the stunts she would need to do in the new movie, where she plays a superspy accused of being a double-agent. Yeah, okay, sure...she looks like hell on purpose. I guess she figured the old "stressed out over her mom's death" excuse wouldn't fly anymore. Everyone knows it's drugs.
She should douche with it. Lemons make you puker. Brad might like it. James Haven would for sure.
Quit making funof JAmes. He was spying on Angelina in the bathroom, somebody spooked him, and now look at him; he's looking at all of us.
Wow, she looks like ass.
BA HAA HAAA Crabbie. Once again you have entertained me greatly.
Have I told you how much I love you lately, you crotchety old thing, you? *smoooch*
drugs? where ever do you get your information? Probably where you get most everything else. your ass
Just because you pull things out of your ass doesn't mean Crabs does. Wait..maybe he does.
Well, if Angelina wants to put on a little weight, I know where she can find about 230 pounds...just sayin'...
Hey Brad!! Jennifer called...
Just because crabbie does drugs he wants to point his craggy, gnarled finger at everyone else.
Anonymous at 7:08 wrote; BA HAA HAAA Crabbie. Once again you have entertained me greatly. Have I told you how much I love you lately, you crotchety old thing, you? *smoooch*
Man, you've got serious problems.
Eric you so funny :D
I Googled the peppered lemonade diet. It's not new. It was invented back in 9141. It's a 10 day cleansing diet. The cayenne pepper is a very important ingredient. All the ingredients must be organic, so it ain't cheap. No Realemon juice here, must be fresh lemons and organic maple syrip, not Mrs Butterworth! Anyway, it's not something you stay on. She must have felt the need to cleanse her colon. Thats what it's for. Not a bad idea for anybody, really. She might still be on drugs, of some sort. She seems to stay awfully thin for someone that lives on and has her kids living on, junk food.
9141??? WTH? I meant 1941. Sorry guys!
She's got the Madonna arms thing. Is that catching? I don't want to get it!
So, another secret agent/spy-double agent movie for her. I am sure she will be a killer as well & will assassinate someone in it as always. Very original casting.
Beyonce was on this cleanse to lose all that weight for Dreamgirls! It works, but it's hard as hell to stick to and once you're off it you gain weight again! Duh!
Angie's on the heroin again. Wise up.
A women is skinny so automatically she's on drugs. Okkkkkkk.
how come her boobs are so big? all the weight must be in them, and her upper arms.
Billy Bob Thornton eats a cayenne pepper every day to "cleanse his digestive tract from parasites. Now I wonder who she's been talking to at night while Brad is massaging the nannys!.
She couldn't believe Billy Bob dumped her so crassly, so it's not far fetched that she holds a candle still.
Poor James will always be the bed maid; never the bed mate again.
if she wants to clean out her stinkin colon , she should get her ass over to thailand for a week of the pineapple juice & coffee grounds high colonic therapy.... thatll clean 20 year old poop outta anybody, and hey while shes there she can adopt another orphaned kid. bloody fucked up biatch. ufff.
She got skinny like this with both her pregnancies during the early stages.
Are you sure this is a recent photo? I seem to recall seeing her in exactly the same outfit looking exactly the same about a year ago.
Shes not waif-ish or anything. I dont think she's on drugs, she's just simply skinny, like a ton of other people in this world !
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